Healthy looking skin is at the top of most people's wish list. Our skin is usually the first thing people notice about us and it can reveal a great deal about your overall health. Suffering with a skin condition can be very stressful because it makes some people feel overly self conscious.

If you want great skin, you’ll need to eat well and take good care of your overall health. Here are 6 tips to help you get there sooner:

You must drink plenty of fluids

If your skin is dehydrated it can look dry and flaky. If you want supple skin you’ll need to drink approximately 8 to 10 glasses of fluid per day. Water, herbal tea and green tea are your best options. Drinking too much tea or coffee can be dehydrating and they can reduce your ability to absorb B vitamins and iron from your food. Along with water, you can also make your own vegetable juice. As well as fluid, you would be receiving an abundance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. If you need juice recipe ideas please see my book Raw Juices Can Save Your Life.

Adequate sleep is critical

You can probably see a difference in your appearance after one night of inadequate sleep. Unfortunately, if you have long term sleeping problems, the negative effects are cumulative. You might have dark circles under your eyes and your face may be puffier. Ideally, you would get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep each night. If you have trouble falling asleep, a melatonin supplement can help. If your sleep is restless and you are easily disturbed, magnesium can help you achieve a deeper sleep that will have you feeling more refreshed in the morning.

Please eat your vegetables

There’s no denying the fact that vegetables are good for your health for countless reasons. Whichever diet you choose to follow, vegetables are a necessary component. The antioxidants in vegetables help to protect the collagen in your skin from breakdown due to free radical damage. As we age we lose collagen in our skin and it becomes less firm. Try to include a wide variety of vegetables in your diet each day; many people stick to the same 2 or 3 vegetables. Ideally some of the vegetables you eat each day would be consumed raw in a salad.

Look after your liver

Your liver is the main detoxification organ in your body. If your liver is not healthy this places additional strain on your other organs of detoxification, including your skin. Think of how a person who drinks a lot of alcohol starts to look; their skin can become red and blotchy, particularly on their cheeks. People with an unhealthy liver are also more prone to developing xanthelasma on their face, which are deposits of fat under the skin; usually on or around the eyelids. If you know you drink too much and don’t eat enough vegetables, a liver tonic may help to improve your liver health.

Cut out or cut down on sugar

Have you heard of advanced glycation end products (AGEs)? They occur when sugar binds with protein and impairs its health and function. If there are too many AGEs in your body this increases oxidative damage and speeds up the rate at which your body ages. If you are a diabetic or consume too much sugar, the excess sugar in your bloodstream can bind with the collagen in your skin and cause cross linking. This damages the collagen and makes your skin less supple. AGEs can form in virtually any part of your body, including your arteries, the lens of your eyes, your joints and, of course, the skin on your face. One good way to measure how many AGEs are forming in your body is to have a blood test called HbA1c. It is a test commonly performed on diabetics but is useful for everyone. It measures how much sugar has stuck to the hemoglobin (protein) in your red blood cells. People with a higher HbA1c age more quickly. An ideal level is below 5.5%.

Include beneficial fats in your diet

Your skin has a high requirement for good fats. They help to keep the moisture inside and prevent your skin from getting dry and flaky. Many people do not eat sufficient good fats because they are concerned about gaining weight. The truth is most people lose weight when they eat more natural fats and the main reason is they are very satiating and help to reduce sugar cravings. If your meals are satisfying you are less likely to crave cookies or chocolate a couple of hours later. Examples of healthy fats to include more of in your diet include avocados, olive oil, oily fish (e.g. salmon, trout, sardines, mackerel), nuts and seeds, coconut oil, ghee or butter and the fat from pastured animals, such as lard.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.