New Breakthrough in the Diagnosis of Liver Disease

A new technique called magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) measures the stiffness of the liver. This technique is also called elastography and can accurately detect fibrosis (scarring) in the liver. A fibrous liver is a stiff liver and has low elasticity. The more fibrous the liver is, the more severe the degree of cirrhosis is.

MRE produces images of the liver coded with different colors according to the texture of the part of the liver being measured. The stiffest areas of the liver show up as red on the elastogram. The softest most flexible parts of the liver show up as purple.

MRE of the liver is really a breakthrough and researchers from the Mayo clinic say this new radiation-free technology is non-invasive, risk free and takes only seconds. This is in stark contrast to the technique of liver biopsy, which is invasive and carries significant risk of bleeding or infection. CT scans expose a patient to a significant amount of radiation.  Once the equipment for MRE becomes more widely available it will become possible to avoid liver biopsies in patients needing a diagnosis of the various stages of liver cirrhosis. Early results have shown that MRE (elastography) is highly accurate in detecting moderate to severe liver fibrosis in many different types of liver disease.

Healthy liver tips

You can reduce the risk of fibrosis occurring in your liver if you have a high intake of specific antioxidants that support healthy liver function.
These antioxidants include:

  • St Mary's thistle.  Also known as Milk thistle, this herb improves the liver cells' ability to repair and regenerate.
  • Green tea.  The antioxidants in green tea help to protect liver cells from damage, and they improve the detoxification abilities of the liver.
  • Selenium is a mineral with powerful anti-viral and anti-inflammatory activity.  It is especially important for people with hepatitis B or C. <a target="_blank" href="/index.php?page=shop&subpage=cat2&id=147"> Selenomune Designer Energy powder</a>.</p> is a potent formulation very beneficial for those with chronic liver disease.
  • Vitamin C has immune boosting qualities and it is required for the production of collagen and elastin in the body.
  • Raw vegetable juicing.  Raw vegetable juices are a highly concentrated and bio-available source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.