You may be surprised to learn that liver cancer is now the fastest growing cause of cancer related death in the USA.

Its incidence has almost tripled since the early 1980s.

Men are 3 times more likely to develop liver cancer than women.

These frightening statistics have just been published in the medical journal called Hepatology. Unfortunately liver cancer is usually not a very survivable cancer. It is usually very difficult to treat.

The liver is such a solid organ that radiotherapy and chemotherapy don’t penetrate it well. If a tumor can be surgically removed, the patient can often have a favourable outcome. If the cancer has spread throughout the liver, surgery is not possible

Cirrhosis of the liver is the biggest risk factor for liver cancer and this usually develops as a result of hepatitis infection (particularly hepatitis C), chronic high alcohol intake or fatty liver disease. In recent years more and more causes of liver cirrhosis are being caused by fatty liver.

I’m constantly trying to remind you how important it is to look after your liver. The earlier a liver condition is diagnosed and treated, the better the outcome. You can read more about liver cancer here


Reference: El-Serag et al. "Epidemiology of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in the United States: Where Are We? Where Do We Go?" Hepatology (2014)