Many of my patients battle with their weight and seem to get nowhere with dieting and exercise alone. Such was the case for 57 year old Juanita who came to see me complaining of excess weight, fatigue and sore breasts. She had most of the weight around her middle and had the tell tale roll of fat around her upper abdomen, which often indicates a fatty liver. I refer to fat here as a "liver roll".

I ran some tests on Juanita and found the following –


  • A fatty liver was obvious from her ultrasound scan of the upper abdomen
  • A sluggish thyroid with a blood TSH level of 4.0
  • Examination of her breasts revealed tender ropey areas of breast tissue

I explained to Juanita that her fatty liver was not breaking down the unhealthy estrogen known as estrone, which was being produced in her fat tissues. The estrone was building up in her body and was making her breast tissue inflamed.  A fatty liver is not regulating fat metabolism efficiently and instead of burning fat, it stores fat.

The combination of a fatty liver and sluggish thyroid caused a very low metabolic rate leading to inability to burn dietary calories efficiently. This poor lady was trying to lose weight with exercise and calorie restriction but her slow metabolic rate made this impossible.
To speed up her metabolism we had to improve her liver function and get the unhealthy fat out of her liver. It was also vital to improve the production of thyroid hormone, as this hormone stimulates the energy factories inside every cell of the body.

I prescribed the following to support her metabolic rate –

Metabocel tablets

I have formulated Metabocel tablets to support a faster metabolism. Metabocel contains specific natural ingredients to help your metabolic rate. Many people find that Metabocel reduces the appetite and also reduces cravings for sugary foods. It is important to be regular with Metabocel and it’s best to take it with every meal, but you can also take it on an empty stomach if you forget. It can be taken with a small glass of water just before meals for maximum effect. Metabocel is the most important thing to take if you are trying to improve your metabolism. It also contains nutrients to optimize the function of the thyroid gland, pancreas and insulin.

Synd-X Slimming Protein Powder

I recommended that she avoid sugar and high carbohydrate foods such as bread, pasta, cookies, muffins, donuts, cakes and desserts. It was also important to avoid eating breakfast cereal or toast in the morning, as these foods are too high in carbohydrate and promote the release of the hormone insulin, which can inhibit fat burning for the rest of the day. Juanita was much better off having a protein powder smoothie for breakfast instead.


Livatone Plus

It was very important to improve Juanita's liver function.  This would help to give her more energy and help her lose fat from the abdominal area. Livatone Plus contains nutrients to assist the liver with fat burning.

When I saw her 3 months later, she had lost 42 pounds and the roll of fat had gone from her upper abdomen. Her blood test showed an improvement of thyroid function with her TSH level now at 2. She had much more energy and no longer felt like having an afternoon sleep. This was because her metabolic rate had increased, so that dietary calories were now converted to physical energy instead of fat. As we get older we need to support the function of the liver and the thyroid gland, otherwise our metabolism often gradually slows down.

The thyroid gland and metabolism

The problem of a slow metabolism was illustrated by another woman I had first seen several years ago. She was aged 57 and had weighed around 180 pounds for 6 years. She suffered with a thyroid condition known as Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, which is an autoimmune disorder named after Dr Hashimoto. Eventually the thyroid gland becomes so damaged that it is unable to manufacture adequate levels of thyroid hormone and an underactive thyroid condition occurs, which varies from mild to severe.

In most cases of Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis it will be necessary to give the patient thyroid hormone tablets to bring blood levels of thyroid hormone back to normal. Ideally this will restore an efficient metabolism and relieve the symptoms. This patient had been taking Synthroid tablets for years but they were not really working as well as she had hoped; she remained overweight and tired. The Synthroid tablets provide the T 4 form of thyroid hormone, which contains 4 molecules of iodine, and the body converts the T 4 into a much more active form of thyroid hormone known as T 3, which contains 3 molecules of iodine.

Unfortunately in this woman this conversion of T 4 into T 3 was not occurring and this was obvious from her blood tests. I explained to her that T 3 was much more active than T 4 and unless she had adequate levels of T 3 in her body, her metabolic rate would remain too low for her to lose weight. She was very relieved and asked me to balance her thyroid function as quickly as possible as she really wanted to lose weight and feel energetic again.

I prescribed the following –


  • T 3 tablets known as Tertromel tablets, to be taken in a dose of 20mcg twice daily
  • She was to continue the Synthroid tablets at a lower dosage, as best results are obtained by a combination of T 3 and T 4 hormone tablets.
  • Thyroid Health Capsules to support healthy thyroid tissue and immune function; you will remember that Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disorder.
  • Metabocel tablets with meals

Well I did not see her again for nearly 2 years but when she finally returned and told me of her incredible success with this program I was really impressed. Since the introduction of my program she had lost 36 pounds and regained her wellbeing; indeed she told me that she felt 20 years younger!

Once again I saw the excellent results of increasing the metabolic rate by fine tuning the thyroid gland function. It really can result in a dramatic improvement without a huge amount of effort and suffering. So many patients battle with their weight and low energy levels simply because their thyroid hormone levels are out of balance. It does not have to be this hard and it is sad to see so many people struggle to get the right kind of treatment. For more information see my book Your Thyroid Problems Solved

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.