Your liver is the cleanser and filter of your bloodstream. All the chemicals you are exposed to, as well as normal metabolic wastes must pass through your liver. A well functioning liver leads to a cleaner bloodstream and a healthier life. If your liver is not able to cleanse your bloodstream adequately, you are more likely to feel tired, sluggish, and achy and you may even feel depressed.

The filter in your liver is designed to remove toxic matter such as dead cells, unhealthy cells, microorganisms, chemicals, toxins, drugs and debris from the bloodstream.  Just like the filters in your vacuum cleaner or swimming pool, your liver benefits from a regular clean out to prevent it from becoming clogged. A dysfunctional liver may lead to a long list of chronic health problems.

Most of the chemicals we are exposed to in everyday life are fat soluble. This is a problem because they are harder to excrete and tend to accumulate in fatty parts of the body. Fat deposits are one obvious example of fatty parts, but your brain is also mostly made of fat. An accumulation of toxins in the brain can impair cognitive function and may raise the risk of dementia in later life. Your adrenal glands are also fatty organs. An accumulation of toxins here can impair the health of your adrenal glands and worsen adrenal gland exhaustion. A healthy, well functioning liver will help to protect other organs and tissues in your body.

As part of its detoxification processes, the liver converts toxic compounds that are soluble in fat into compounds that are soluble in water, allowing them to be excreted from the body via the urine, feces and sweat.  If this conversion pathway is not functioning properly, these fat-soluble toxins tend to accumulate and have the potential to compromise your health.  Furthermore, release of these fat-soluble chemicals during times of stress or weight loss can cause symptoms such as headaches and foggy thinking, aches and pains, fatigue and nausea.

Many people do not have a healthy liver. Fatty liver affects approximately a quarter of the US population. If you have a fatty liver, unhealthy fat clogs the liver filter and greatly impairs its ability to function. Having an inflamed liver (for example, hepatitis) also compromises the liver’s detoxification abilities. Did you know that having compromised liver health places strain on your spleen? Your spleen removes old, worn out red blood cells from your bloodstream. It is also supports a healthy immune system and cleanses the bloodstream of bacteria. Sometimes having a fatty liver can cause enlargement of the spleen, as greater stress is placed on this important organ.

How to improve the health of your liver filter

  • If you’ve been diagnosed with a fatty liver or carry excess weight around your abdomen, the eating plan in my book Fatty Liver: You Can Reverse It can help you to overcome this. In the majority of cases fatty liver is entirely reversible. It’s important to reverse it early, as in some cases it may progress to cirrhosis.
  • People with a poorly functioning liver typically experience a great deal of sugar cravings. This is partly because of chronic fatigue but also due to poor blood sugar control. Your liver is supposed to store glucose (in the form of glycogen) and release it into your bloodstream when needed. People with a fatty liver or inflamed liver often cannot store glycogen adequately. The nutrients in Glicemic Balance capsules help to enhance blood sugar control and reduce hunger and cravings.
  • Please try to eat as many vegetables as possible. We all know vegetables are very good for us; they reduce your risk of every disease. Vegetables are high in the vitamins and minerals your liver requires for efficient detoxification. They also contain antioxidants and phyto-nutrients that help to protect liver cells from damage. Vegetables also contain soluble fibre, which acts as a prebiotic (ie. food for beneficial microbes in your gut).
  • Make sure you eat enough protein and healthy fats. Protein and fat are satiating; they help to keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer. This means you’re less likely to overeat or want to snack. Good sources of protein include eggs, poultry, pastured meat, seafood and whey protein powder. Healthy fats include olive oil, coconut oil, avocados, nuts and seeds.
  • Keep your bowel regular. Being constipated is a problem because if you’re not eliminating wastes efficiently, some will be reabsorbed back into your body. These wastes will end up in your liver again, placing an added burden on it. Constipated people have a slower metabolism and find it harder to lose weight. If a healthy diet and plenty of water are not keeping your bowel moving, you may want to try Colon Detox capsules. The ingredients in this formula have a gentle cleansing effect on the intestines.
  • If you are following a healthy diet but still feeling sluggish, bloated and tired, you may benefit from a liver tonic. The ingredients in Livatone Plus help to make phase one and phase two liver detoxification more efficient.

A healthy liver means a healthier life. Please don’t forget to take care of this vital organ.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.