I have been on the liver cleansing diet for three weeks and have already lost 13 pounds! I feel amazing! For the past year, I've been having gnawing right upper quadrant pain, just under my right ribcage. I was sure it was my gallbladder and put off talking to my doctor about it because I am in the middle of an intense Paramedic program. Finally, I had an ultrasound done. When the results came back, my gallbladder was fine! I have a fatty liver. This propelled me into action. I soon found your books on Amazon.com, ordered two of them and eliminated wheat, sugar, and most dairy products from my diet. I added healthy fats from olive, avocado, nuts, & seeds. I included many vegetables, fruits, and lean meats in my diet. I also started drinking lemon-water first thing every morning and am taking Livatone once a day. I feel like a personal advertisement for your program because I'm excited about feeling so much better after only three weeks and can't help talking to others about why. I just wanted to send you a note, thanking you for your liver research. I was shocked into adjusting my diet so radically because I kind of need my liver :) I do not drink or use drugs. The only thing I can think of that's damaged my liver is my sweet tooth. I am now 210, down from 223. Thanks, again! Deanna P, Mammoth, AZ 85618