Dear Dr. Cabot,

I'd like to thank you for your medicine and also your education about the liver. Thanks to you and your Livatone Plus supplement I almost got a perfect score on my liver function test.

Your product works perfectly and I feel great.

See below for my test result.


I also juiced and had a glass of water with a lemon in it every morning. Typically, I juice: 2-3 carrots, 2-3 stalk of celery, 1 apple, piece of lemon zest and ginger and a small beet. I also tried to be careful with my diet and mostly I consumed non-processed foods. I’m happy to give you any other details if you are interested.

By the way, my previous blood test was bad because I neglected juicing for a while and I had a little bit more alcohol (not excessive amounts) and more processed food. It still amazes me that in less than two months my blood test changed dramatically although I still need to work on my cholesterol levels.

Thank you again…

Laszlo M, Kent WA