On October 27, 2011, I had surgery for a complete thyroidectomy.  After surgery, I kept gaining weight, and was dealing with pitting edema, high blood pressure, muscle weakness, and overall declining health.

After several months of trying to regulate my thyroid levels, my health kept declining.  I was now seeing my general doctor, endocrinologist, cardiologist and allergist, trying to find out why I was getting sicker.  At this point, the only absolute finding was that I was allergic to Synthroid, my thyroid hormone pill, and had systemic inflammation.

My endocrinologist switched me over to Tirosint, a pure form of synthetic thyroid hormone.  That seemed to alleviate my allergic symptoms, but that was it.  I was now also on Lasix, and Hydrochlorothiazide.  Neither did anything to reduce the pitting edema, or swelling throughout my body.

An extensive blood work profile was done.  It was a fasting test.
My Glucose was: 111  (range 65-99)
HDL Cholestrol:  42  (>46)
Triglicerides:   230  (Range:
As a last resort, my cardiologist ordered one more test to check the Vena Cava vein.  He wanted to check for a blockage, that could possibly be causing the swelling and high blood pressure.  On April 25, 2012, the result came back negative, the vein was clear.

However, the ultrasound showed that my liver was infiltrated with fat.  My gallbladder was full of stones.  And there you have it.  That was it.  No help.  No advice on what I needed to do.  And the thought of going to another doctor, made me sick to my stomach.

I was so upset, I started to research the internet about fatty liver.  I came across Dr. Cabot’s website.  I immediately went to the library, and borrowed Dr. Cabot’s book, “Fatty Liver, You Can Reverse It", and began following her program , on April 26th, to a “T”.

I stopped taking the Lasix and Hydrochlorothiazide, as they were not working anyway.  I took 4 Livatone Plus capsules daily.  Ate as I did prior (organic), with the difference of eliminating sugar, flour, and simple carbs.

I bought an Omega 8600 Masticating juicer, and juiced dandelions, kale, carrot and apple daily.  In just a few days, my systemic inflammation became better.  I could feel it.  My pitting edema, and over all water retention started to subside on its own.  I was actually going to the bathroom to urinate several times a day, something that did not happen, even while on the prescriptions water pills!

Each day, I was feeling better and better.  I could not believe I was seeing such dramatic results after suffering  since my surgery back in October.  

One evening, I got a phone call from my Endocrinologist.  I thought it odd for her to call me at night.  She told me that she had been worried about me, and wanted to know how I was feeling.  I told her everything I was doing.  She was thrilled.  She went on to tell me that she had lost two patients with the same symptoms I had.  That she was open to anything that would help her patients.

I was scheduled to see her in 2 more weeks.  So she ordered extensive bloodwork for me.  She wanted to see what changes were happening.  She also asked me to bring all the information I had from Dr. Cabot for her to review and try on her other patients.

On my most recent visit back to the endocrinologist, (6 week after following Dr. Cabot’s advice), both my doctor and myself were blown away . . .

First, I had dropped almost 10 pounds.  Second, I felt FANTASTIC.  Third, my bloodwork was mindblowing.

My fasting glucose was now  92
My HDL cholesterol went up to 50
and my triglycerides dropped to 115 !!!!!!!!

In September, I go back to my endocrinologist to check my thyroid levels again.  At that time, I will have another ultrasound to check my liver and gallbladder.  I am hoping to hear that I indeed reversed my fatty liver!

There’s more details and chain of events to this story.  I tried to give you the “cliff notes” version.

Thank you, again, for doing what you do!   I honestly don’t think I would be able to write this email to you today, with the way I was declining. just weeks ago.  My husband confessed that he thought I would not be “around” much longer.  I am only 5 foot tall, and have always had a drive and determination that was relentless...until I got sick.  Thanks to you, I am getting it back, 10 fold!

I’m still hypothyroid, that part is a work in progress.  But....Considering how well I feel being hypothyroid, I can only imagine how wonderful I’ll feel when I finally have the right thyroid levels!

I simply want to thank Dr. Cabot for saving my life.  

Kathy Y, Newfoundland, New Jersey USA