Are you entirely happy with your health? Do you feel like you have enough energy to get through a busy day and also exercise? Are you happy with your weight, your mental clarity and immune system health?

Most people today are facing health challenges. It is often difficult to find the time or motivation to eat as well as you could and follow a healthy lifestyle. Life can be busy and stressful and often looking after your own health is eclipsed by other priorities.

Did you know your liver is the largest internal organ in your body? It performs more functions than any other organ. Two of the biggest jobs your liver performs for you are burning fat and cleansing/filtering your bloodstream. Your liver also helps to control your blood sugar level and it stores several different vitamins and minerals. If your liver health is not optimal, you can experience a number of different health problems or symptoms. The most common one is fatigue.

I have formulated a liver tonic called LivaTone Plus to support your liver cells and promote optimal liver health. There are several reasons you might benefit from taking it.

If you have a fatty liver

Having a fatty liver means that fat has infiltrated your liver and accumulated inside. This is not ideal because fat compromises the health and function of your liver cells. Most people with a fatty liver have elevated liver enzymes. This means that liver cells are being damaged. Fortunately, the liver has a good ability to repair itself but, if damage occurs year after year, eventually scar tissue can form.

The most common symptoms of a fatty liver are fatigue, excess weight around the abdomen that is impossible to lose, and some people experience indigestion. Fortunately, a fatty liver can be reversed. I have designed an eating plan in my book Fatty Liver: You Can Reverse It. My liver tonic, LivaTone Plus, contains milk thistle, n-acetyl cysteine, selenium, activated B vitamins and antioxidants to help repair damaged liver cells and improve their function.

If you eat more sugar than ideal

Most of us know that sugar isn’t healthy but it’s hard to stay away from it because it’s present in so many everyday foods. The other problem with sugar is many people feel like they’re addicted to it. Once they eat something sweet they feel like they can’t stop and the continual cravings can create a great deal of angst. If you really struggle to get on top of cravings, Glicemic Balance capsules contain herbs and nutrients that help to balance your blood sugar, thereby reducing both cravings and hunger. Consuming more sugar than your body requires can promote the deposition of abdominal fat and eventually may cause a fatty liver.

If you have an immune system problem

Many people are not aware that the liver plays an important role in optimizing immune health. Your liver contains a type of immune cell called Kupffer cells. These cells are macrophages, which is derived from the Greek words big eater. That’s because they engulf toxins, bacteria, chemicals and metabolic wastes in your bloodstream. The healthier your Kupffer cells are, the better able your liver is to filter your bloodstream. Excess wastes and toxins in your bloodstream place a major strain on your immune system and may raise the risk of allergies and immune system problems. Selenium and vitamin D are very helpful for a weak immune system, but if you are still experiencing problems, you may need to address your liver health.

If you work in a polluted environment

An estimated 80,000 synthetic chemicals are in use worldwide today, while complete toxicological screening data is only available for a mere seven percent of them. This means that the majority of the chemicals in use today have not been tested for their effects on human health. In our daily lives, each of us are exposed to myriad chemicals and sources of radiation.  The vast majority of these chemicals are fat soluble and accumulate in fatty tissue of our bodies; this includes fat deposits, the brain, adrenal glands, bone marrow and your liver if you have a fatty liver.

Some occupations are more hazardous than others; hairdressers, dentists, vets, painters, mechanics and individuals working in the construction industry are usually exposed to more chemicals. However, perfume, makeup, hair styling products and household cleaning products can all expose the average woman to a plethora of chemicals. Any chemical that enters your body needs to be filtered by your liver, increasing the workload of this organ.

If you take medication for pain

Pain relieving medication can have some pretty terrible side effects if used long term or in high doses. Of course, suffering with acute or chronic pain is terrible and can make life unbearable for many people, so modern pain relievers are a blessing. If you experience long term pain such as joint pain, muscle pain or headaches, you could have too much inflammation in your body. Inflammation can stem from certain foods (e.g. sugar, dairy products, gluten), or from gut conditions (dysbiosis or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), chronic infections, stress or heavy metal toxicity.

Addressing the source of the inflammation can often provide significant pain relief. Acetaminophen (paracetamol) can deplete your body of glutathione if used long term. Glutathione is your body’s most important antioxidant and detoxifier. Being low in glutathione can worsen immune system conditions, particularly autoimmune disease. N-acetyl cysteine is the precursor of glutathione, and when taken in supplement form can raise your blood level of this important molecule.


The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.