By Nutrition Consultant, Jess Robinson

In today’s society, it’s near impossible to avoid our exposure to environmental toxins in the water we drink, the air we breathe (pollution, industrial gases, car fumes), the food we eat (pesticides, preservatives, artificial flavours), medications and other drugs. Due to this constant toxin exposure, our bodies can become overwhelmed, especially our liver which is our internal cleanser and filter. One of the liver’s many roles is to convert these toxins from fat-soluble chemicals to water-soluble chemicals that can be excreted from the body. If these detoxification pathways become overloaded, there is a build-up of toxic chemicals in the body that can cause symptoms of cognitive impairment and hormonal imbalances such as breast pain, menstrual irregularities, low sperm count, early menopause and cancer.

Below are some lifestyle tips to adopt to allow your body to naturally detoxify and optimize liver function:

  1. Massage
    There’s nothing better than a firm relaxing massage to target pressure points within the body that allows built-up toxins to be released. You can either book in with a professional or convince your partner to give you one, either way it’s an effective method for releasing built-up tension and toxins. After your massage, make sure to drink plenty of water to allow the toxins to be immediately flushed from the body.
  2. Sweat it out
    You should all be aware that exercise plays a crucial role in our health and well-being, but did you know that exercise promotes detoxification via our sweat? While we exercise we are boosting circulation throughout our body as toxins are released through the pores of our skin. Exercise that gets you moving, perspiring and breathing frequently, is a great way to release endorphins that make you feel good, as well as causing the release of toxins that have accumulated over time.
  3. Drink plenty of water
    Staying hydrated is one of the most critical and effective ways to remove toxins and waste from the body. Drinking 1.5 to 2L of water a day can lead to clearer skin, optimal organ function and a more effective circulatory, respiratory and digestive system. Adequate fluids to drink include filtered water, herbal teas and raw vegetable juices. There are excellent juicing recipes in Dr Cabot's book 'Raw Juices Can Save Your Life'. Starting the day with a large glass of water and fresh lemon juice is a great way to stimulate your digestive system for the day and alkalize your body.
  4. Have a laugh
    There really is merit to the expression ‘laughter is the best medicine’. Spend time with family, friends and/or your partner, where laughter will surely come easy. Not only is laughing a great way to boost your mood and relieve stress, but it also stimulates circulation. Circulation increases organ function and works in sync with your lymphatic system to rid toxins from the body. Undeniably, one of the easiest and most enjoyable detox methods!
  5. Get adequate sleep
    Many people underestimate the importance of sleep to a healthy lifestyle. Lack of sleep can compromise your immunity, your energy, your mood and lead to weight gain. Accumulating sleep debt can affect your motivation as you feel fatigued and lack the energy to make healthy choices for yourself. It is essential to get at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night to give your body ample time to rest and recuperate for the day ahead. There are excellent sleep tips in Dr Cabot’s book ‘Tired of Not Sleeping’.
  6. Manage stress
    I’m sure you are all aware that stress isn’t good for you, but did you know that if you do not find a way to manage stress it can have detrimental effects on your body? When you are stressed your body releases hormones that can result in weight gain, digestive issues, menstrual irregularities, illness and/or fatigue. This is because a stressed body retains toxins that can have long-term effects on your health. Healthy ways to reduce stress include exercising, meditation, breathing exercises and listening to relaxing music. Magnesium is an amazing mineral that helps to improve the physiological response to stress and helps to promote relaxation.
  7. Go raw
    Make sure to include plenty of fresh vegetables, fruits and herbs in your diet, as they contain enzymes that help with digestion and improve nutrient absorption. These foods are all rich in fiber which supports your body’s natural liver detoxification pathways and is a great way to keep you regular. Our bodies tend to hold on to toxins, preservatives and other substances that are not properly digested, and eating plentiful amounts of fiber is a great way to naturally cleanse your body. As well as being high in fiber, these types of foods are rich in vitamin C which naturally boosts glutathione in the body, a powerful antioxidant that helps to eliminate toxins from the body.
  8. Eliminate or minimize white sugar, flour and processed foods
    This encompasses foods such as white bread, white rice, pasta, baked goods, fried foods and takeaway foods. These simple carbohydrates are to blame for the drastic rise and fall of blood sugar levels that causes further carb cravings shortly after consumption. While these foods can be initially satisfying, they are made of ingredients that cause toxin build-up in the body that can wreak havoc on your digestive system resulting in a number of unpleasant symptoms. There is an excellent anti-inflammatory diet in Dr Cabot’s book ‘I Can’t Lose Weight and I Don’t Know Why’.
  9. Chew your food properly
    In today’s fast-paced society, it is common for many people to eat meals on the go, in a hurry or in a stressful environment. This constant rush to eat food can be very taxing on the liver, as food is often not chewed properly which means the liver and digestive system have to work harder to break food down. Chewing food slowly and in a relaxed environment, allows more time for digestive juices to break food down allowing for efficient digestion and absorption. It is also important to chew food properly as it gives more time for your satiety hormones to signal that you are full, which prevents overeating and aids weight loss.
  10. Minimize toxin exposure
    While it can be near impossible to avoid some level of exposure to environmental toxins like car fumes, industrial gases and certain building materials, there are many steps that can be taken to minimize exposure to other toxins. Think natural. When it comes to personal care products such as cosmetics, perfumes, deodorants and hair products, source natural products where possible. Instead of buying chemical laden cleaning products, make up your own cleaning products using ingredients such as vinegar, baking soda, corn starch and lemon. Opt for glass containers instead of plastic containers. Heat up food on your stove or in the oven instead of using the microwave. These basic changes will make all the difference to reducing your toxic load and maximizing detoxification.

A great way to optimize liver function is to invest in a quality liver tonic that can protect liver cells and support liver detoxification. For further info on detoxing naturally, check out Dr Cabot’s book ‘The Liver Cleansing Diet’.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.