It is so easy and inexpensive to check your liver function and everyone should do it annually. Liver problems such as fatty liver and hepatitis B and C infections are very common and if we detect these liver problems early we can treat them effectively. A simple blood test can check for liver damage by measuring the level of liver enzymes in your blood. Another good reason to check your liver regularly is if you are taking prescribed medications on a long term basis. Many medications can damage the liver, such as cholesterol lowering drugs, antibiotics, pain killers and immunosuppressant drugs.

This was the case for one of my patients who got a nasty shock when he discovered he had cirrhosis of the liver and liver failure after taking the drug methotrexate for 10 years. He had been prescribed the immunosuppressant drug methotrexate to reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and unfortunately his doctor had checked his liver function only once a year when it should have been checked monthly. Unbeknown to his doctor and him, this drug had been insidiously eating away at his healthy liver cells and turning his liver into a lump of scar tissue. This could have been picked up early with monthly liver function tests. The other sad thing for this 70 year old professional man was that he had not sought the help of a doctor or naturopath who knew how to treat autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, with nutritional medicine.

For an in depth explanation of liver function tests and their values see this page.

How your liver protects you

In the liver cells there are specialized metabolic pathways that turn dangerous toxins and drugs into forms that can be easily excreted from the body via the bile, sweat and urine. If the liver does not break these toxic substances down, they cannot be removed from your body; thus they build up and increase the rate of aging, as well as your risk of immune problems.
Take a look at the metabolic pathways in the liver in this diagram and see what nutrients the liver needs to break down toxins – it’s quite a few and many people are low in these nutrients. The ingredients in Livatone Plus have been selected because they are the most essential substances to support and improve these detoxification pathways in your liver.

Livatone Plus contains pure undiluted silymarin (milk thistle extract). The active ingredient extracted from the herb milk thistle is silymarin (also known as silybin). If you take 4 capsules daily of Livatone Plus you will obtain 420mg of silymarin, which is the pure extract and active ingredient of the herb milk thistle. Some people find that in the long term they only need two capsules daily to support their liver function; two capsules will supply 210mg of pure silymarin daily.
Some other forms of liver products on the market contain silymarin extract diluted with phosphatidylcholine which comes from lecithin. This could be 2 thirds phosphatidylcholine and only1/3 silymarin. This would provide only 80mg of silymarin (silybin) per capsule.
You are getting all the other essential ingredients in every capsule of Livatone Plus along with pure silymarin.
Livatone Plus contains all the B vitamins and folic acid. Livatone Plus contains important lipotrophic factors inositol and biotin. It also contains antioxidants and selenium and sulfur rich amino acids to support metabolic detox pathways in the liver.

I think the mineral selenium is incredibly important for a healthy liver because without selenium the ability of your liver to perform detoxification of your body is severely limited. The reason for this is that the anti-oxidant glutathione cannot function without selenium. The most important anti-oxidant that your liver manufactures is glutathione and it is high in sulfur. Glutathione can be compared to “a warrior”, which protects your liver cells from damage from many things, including toxins and viruses. The warrior needs a sword to effectively fight and selenium acts like that “sword” for glutathione. A warrior without a sword is ineffective.
So by understanding how your liver protects you, it is now easy to understand why Livatone Plus helps your liver to achieve maximum efficiency. Livatone Plus is made in a GMP and FDA approved laboratory and all its ingredients are tested and evaluated for purity and potency. Livatone Plus is incredibly good value for you and your liver because everything you need in a liver tonic is found in each capsule.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.