Low carbohydrate chicken drumsticks

serves 4


12 chicken drumsticks
1/2 cup olives
1 large lemon, juiced
2 red peppers (red capsicum), sliced
1/2 cup balsamic vinegar
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 cloves garlic, crushed (optional)
Salt and pepper to taste


Preheat the oven to 390 degrees Fahrenheit.  Grease a large roasting pan with olive oil.
Place drumsticks in pan, top with olives and strips of peppers (capsicum).
Combine the lemon juice with vinegar, oil, crushed garlic, salt and pepper.  Pour the liquid over the drumsticks and roast them in the oven until cooked (45 to 50 minutes).
Serve with a salad or cooked vegetables.

Arthritis juice


3 stalks celery
1 cucumber
3 red radishes
1 large carrot
2 collard leaves

Pass all ingredients through a juicer and drink.