Neuropathy is a general term for nerve disease and it is very common in diabetics. Symptoms include loss of sensation (particularly in the feet), tingling, pain or burning. High blood sugar is quite damaging to the body, and in diabetics the sugar damages their nerves, which causes these symptoms.

Your brain is mostly composed of nerves, and new research has shown that patients who experience peripheral neuropathy often experience a similar phenomenon in their brain.

The following excerpt comes from a study published in the journal Diabetes Care:

“This is the first study to focus on structural changes in the brain associated with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Our findings suggest increased peripheral gray matter volume loss, localized to regions involved with somatosensory perception in subjects with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. This may have important implications for the long-term prognosis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy. "

This means if you have a loss of sensation in your feet, you could lose brain matter in the region of your brain where you feel your feet! Quite a frightening prospect.

The average person does not appreciate the seriousness of type 2 diabetes. They consider it a mild disease that is controlled with tablets. This is far from the truth. Type 2 diabetes is a serious disease. It can shorten your life span and significantly reduce the quality of your life. The good news is, if caught early enough, type 2 diabetes can actually be reversed. You can find out how in our book Diabetes Type 2: You Can Reverse It.

I consider berberine to be the most important natural medicine for type 2 diabetes, because it addresses the underlying metabolic dysfunction. You can read about how berberine works here.

Reference: Diabetes Care June 2014 vol. 37 no. 6 1681-1688