“I woke up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night after a dreaming I took a drink at a party. It was so real, I could taste it.”  How often have I heard this statement?  Many, many times and not always from a newly sober alcoholic or drug addict. Like the roller-coaster dieter who dreams she slipped up and ate a plate full of cheesecake, the alcoholic or drug addict often dreams about falling off the wagon.  People often smell and taste their drugs of choice in such dreams, and translate this into a sign of repressed desire. It’s the fear of failure and fear of the unknown journey they have undertaken. Because such dreams are so vivid, they usually have substantial emotional impact. Sometimes they stimulate panic and fear, including palpitations and sweating, or they may provoke a craving. The best way to respond is to change the subject. Steer your mind in a different direction. Get out of bed and do push-ups or toddle into the kitchen for a nice cup of tea or coffee.  Turn on the TV and watch a late night movie or wake up your partner and talk about your fears. Don’t lie in bed thinking about drinking or drugging.  If you think about anything, think about what your life used to be like when you were drinking or using drugs. If your dream about drinking or drugging doesn’t scare you; if in fact you feel it let you beat the system without getting a free high without the consequences, beware!  You are not taking your disease seriously enough. Slipping off the wagon is often lurking in our sub-conscious mind; waiting for the opportunity to turn fiction into fact.   Some recovering alcoholics/addicts stop drinking or using, period.  They never have another drink or use another drug, but may have at least one slip. A slip doesn’t necessarily doom you to a swift downhill slide back to your pre-recovery life. In the day-at-a-time philosophy, slipping today doesn’t automatically mean forfeiting tomorrow. Most people are resilient enough to clamber back on the wagon having learned their lesson.  Don’t walk where it’s slippery! The word “slip” has become an acronym meaning “sobriety lost its priority,” and generally that’s exactly why a slip occurs. Either you stopped giving adequate attention to the needs of your recovery, or you were never serious about quitting in the first place. Though anyone can slip at any time, even 25 years into their sobriety, slips appear to be most common in the early months of recovery. Cravings become fewer and interest in the “old scene” lessens as the months roll by.  Liver-Doctor-Recovery-From-Alcoholism I recommend amino acids to help balance brain chemistry and a good liver tonic to help repair liver damage. Specific amino acids are essential for the liver to breakdown toxins and drugs and also for efficient metabolism in the liver. Glutamine – This amino acid is required for phase two detoxification in the liver and is required in increased amounts by those who consume excessive alcohol. It is able to reduce the craving for alcohol. Glutamine supplementation is helpful for intestinal disorders such as peptic ulcers and leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut is the term used to describe an inflamed condition of the lining of the bowel, which makes the bowel too permeable, so that toxins and incompletely digested food particles can be absorbed from the bowels directly into the liver. This increases the workload of the liver and may cause many health problems. Glutamine is essential for the white cells to fight viruses such as hepatitis B and C. Glutamine is converted in the body into glutamic acid, which, along with the amino acids N-Acetyl-Cysteine and glycine, is converted into the powerful liver protector glutathione. Glutathione is essential for liver phase two conjugation reactions used during detoxification of drugs and toxic chemicals. Glutamine can be found in our Ultimate Gut Health Powder. Livatone is a natural liver tonic containing the liver herbs St Mary’s Thistle, Globe Artichoke and Dandelion, combined with the amino acid Taurine, and Lecithin. It also contains natural sources of Chlorophyll, Carotenoids and fiber. It is available in both capsule and powder form. The liver is the main fat burning organ in the body and regulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism. A healthy liver will take fat in the form of cholesterol and pump it via the bile into the intestines where it will be carried away in the bowel actions provided the diet is high in fiber. Tyrosine Mood Food – Tyrosine is a natural amino acid – one of the building blocks of protein.  It is required for the manufacture of the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) dopamine and noradrenaline.  These neurotransmitters are required for concentration, alertness, memory and a happy, stable mood. Magnesium – the great relaxer. Magnesium plays an essential role in maintaining and promoting efficient muscle function and nerve transmission. Magnesium is a vital mineral for hundreds of cellular enzymes involved in the body’s energy production and metabolism. It is required by the nervous system to regulate the function of nerves and muscles. Magnesium may also assist in the reduction of stress, nervous tension, anxiety and sleeplessness. The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.