If you are struggling with excess weight and fatigue, plus a very sluggish metabolism, the best thing to do is a detoxification diet. Of course you should see your doctor for blood tests and a physical examination to test your thyroid function, as a sluggish thyroid gland can present this way. Also check your liver with blood tests and an ultrasound scan as it may be fatty. A fatty liver is an obstacle to weight loss and good health because it is storing fat and toxins. Improving your liver function is often the trigger for easier weight loss and higher energy.

It can be very disheartening if you go on a low calorie diet but aren’t getting the results you’re looking for. Toxins overload the detoxification pathways in your liver and also block enzymes that burn fat; we must begin in the liver which the Chinese call the General of the Army of the Body.

This article provides help you need to break through any barriers you’re facing and kick start your fat burning. Toxins not only increase your risk of cancer, they also slow down your metabolism, cause skin rashes and allergies. Today’s world is loaded with toxins. They’re in your soil, packaging, home, water, air, food, perfume, deodorant and all sorts of other items.

These pollutants bind to your fat cells and they are mostly found in fatty tissue. Many toxins are fat soluble and must be made water soluble by your liver to be able to be eliminated from your body in water soluble liquids such as bile, sweat and urine. These toxins keep building up inside your body, year after year.

A big problem is, these toxins – often referred to as “obesogens” – are also creating a cascade of metabolic damage that leads directly to type 2 diabetes and obesity.

This could be the reason why you’re not losing weight

Obesogenic compounds (fat-soluble toxins and heavy metals) make your fat cells grow bigger, damage both your mitochondria and the beta cells (insulin producers) in your pancreas. This creates the perfect storm for insulin resistance, diabetes and obesity.

Many of these pollutants are also considered endocrine-disruptors. Fat tissue acts as an endocrine organ and releases hormones such as leptin that regulate your appetite, satiety and ability to burn calories. Furthermore, endocrine-disruptors can slow down thyroid function which can slow your metabolism.

If your fat cells are loaded with these unhealthy toxins, when you diet and exercise not only do your cells release fat, they also release these obesity-causing toxins back into your bloodstream. This is where a healthy liver becomes vital to break down these toxins into less harmful water soluble forms so they can be eliminated from your body before they damage your endocrine glands

It’s no wonder so many people hit obstacles in their weight loss; however, there is a way to overcome this seemingly unbeatable problem.

Flush Toxins from Your Fat Cells

Obesogenic compounds are all over the place. They’re residing in your cosmetics, home, plastic bottles and wraps, cans, water, food and Teflon coated fry pans.

There are a few nutrients that can help clear toxins from your fat cells more quickly. The green pigment in green leafy vegetables, known as chlorophyll, has the ability to bind with a variety of toxic substances and remove them from your body with your bowel movements.

You can eat more organic leafy greens and grow a herb garden – thyme, basil, oregano, parsley, arugula, cilantro are all excellent sources of chlorophyll and antioxidants and natural antibiotics. The main compound in green tea, EGCG, is also a powerful weapon when it comes to relieving your toxic load. It helps reduce your body’s burden of polychlorinated biphenyls and other pollutants.

It’s also essential to boost levels of your “master antioxidant”, glutathione which is made in the liver. People who show high levels of pollutants in their bodies often have depleted stores of this antioxidant.

Glutathione supplements are not very well absorbed by your intestines but thankfully there’s another nutrient called N-acetylcysteine (NAC) that’s a glutathione precursor. If you take NAC 600mg capsules, in a dose of 2 to 3 daily, you can boost your glutathione stores.

Glutathione needs plentiful amounts of selenium to work its antioxidant magic, so take a powerful selenium supplement as well. We recommend Selenomune, one capsule daily. Selenomune contains three different forms of selenium combined with activated B vitamins to increase methylation pathways, which are essential for detoxification. Selenoumune also contains other trace minerals, including iodine to support better thyroid function, which speeds up the metabolic rate

Dr Sandra Cabot’s 1 week liver detoxification program

  • Drink 10 glasses of water daily – drink it throughout the day
  • Start the day with a glass of water containing the juice of a freshly squeezed lemon or lime

Eat ONLY the following during your 1-week detox –

  • Fruits and vegetables - the fruits and vegetables can be raw and cooked. You may have any vegetable you want including starchy vegetables such as sweet potato, carrot, parsnips and turnips etc. If you make a vegetable soup, you may use vegetable stock, Herbamare or miso to flavour it.

To cook the vegetables, you may use the following methods - steam them, roast them or stir fry them with olive oil. You can spread or paste the vegetables with a thin layer of olive oil or coconut oil before you roast them in the oven. Do not use a microwave oven to cook your vegetables or fruits, as this is irradiating your food and will damage the cell structures in the vegetables and fruits. You can stew the fruits in their own juice and water with a tiny amount of honey or stevia. Cinnamon sticks add a nice flavour to stewed fruits. While on detox, purchase organic fruits and vegetables.

  • Salad dressing ingredients – you may use cold pressed olive oil or macadamia oil, coconut oil, organic probiotic apple cider vinegar, mustard, fresh lemon or lime and fresh or dried herbs. Mix ingredients in a jar and shake or whisk with a fork or blend in a blender
  • Raw nuts and seeds – you can choose any seeds (pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, chia seeds, ground flaxseeds) and any raw nuts. Tahini and hummus are allowed and make a nice dip with avocado and lemon

Milks – only coconut or almond milk is allowed

Drink 8 ounces to 10 ounces (250 to 300mls) of raw juice daily – best ingredients to juice are parsley, basil, mint, carrot, cabbage, beet, green apple, lemon, orange and ginger. You can also add a cruciferous vegetable to the juice such as kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts or cauliflower.

Take a powerful liver tonic such as Livatone Plus during your detox to support the detoxification of chemicals in your liver and thus their elimination from your body

Super foods to detox

  • Garlic, fresh ginger, curry and turmeric
  • Broccoli sprouts powder or capsules
  • Glutamine powder heals a leaky gut
  • Organic apple cider vinegar

You may want to do this detox diet several times during a year to keep your total body toxin level at acceptable levels.


The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.


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