Are you one of the millions of people who know they should cut down on sugar and carbs but find it impossible because of intense sugar cravings? You probably know that excess sugar is bad for you and you feel so much better when you stay off it; but, for some reason, you keep going back to it. There are many reasons why a person craves sugar: hormone imbalance, insulin resistance, depression, stress and poor quality sleep are just a few. Have you ever considered the fact that having too many bad bugs in your bowel can drive sugar cravings? Candida overgrowth in your intestines can make you feel tired, irritable and give you a foggy head and poor concentration. It can also cause intense carbohydrate cravings. It’s a Catch 22 - eating sugar promotes the growth of intestinal yeast and having too much yeast in your gut makes you crave sugar. Candida is a type of yeast that is naturally present in everyone’s digestive tract; however if your immune system is weak and your digestion is poor, Candida levels can get out of control. Because it is a yeast, it needs sugar in order to grow. Treating Candida overgrowth can be tough because many different foods we eat are digested into sugar eventually, and can potentially feed this yeast. I am not in favor of extremely strict anti Candida diets because I think it’s more important to address the digestive problems and immune system problems that encouraged Candida overgrowth in the first place.

What are the symptoms of excess Candida growth?

Everyone has small amounts of Candida growing in their digestive tract, on their skin, in the mouth and women have some growing in their vagina. In low levels, this yeast does not cause any health problems. Overgrowth of Candida in the gastrointestinal tract is very common, especially after a course of antibiotics. Steroid medication and the oral contraceptive pill also encourage Candida growth. Symptoms of excess Candida in the digestive tract include digestive discomfort (gas, bloating, diarrhea), fatigue, headache, muscle and joint pain, blocked sinuses, sugar cravings, recurrent vaginal yeast infections, recurrent urinary tract infections, depression, foggy head and poor concentration, food and chemical sensitivities and sleep problems. This is quite a long list. The worst consequence of the development of Candida infection is leaky gut syndrome. If there are high levels of Candida growing in your digestive tract, they compromise the structural integrity of your gut lining. This means your gut becomes more permeable than it should be; allowing high levels of toxins naturally present in the bowel to gain access to your bloodstream. Leaky gut syndrome is a forerunner to allergies, food intolerance, multiple chemical sensitivity, chronic fatigue syndrome and autoimmune disease. Not everyone with a leaky gut will develop one of these problems; some people just feel sick and tired their entire life but never develop one of these illnesses. If you have high levels of Candida growing in your digestive tract, you are prone to developing Candida infections elsewhere in your body. The most common spots include the skin, particularly the feet (tinea or athlete’s foot), fungal nail infections, vaginal yeast infections (thrush), yeast diaper rash in infants or oral thrush. Treating the yeast overgrowth in the bowel is the key to overcoming each of these infections.

My recommendations for overcoming Candida

Diet suggestions Because Candida thrives on sugar, it is very important to avoid consuming foods that contain added sugar, as well as refined carbohydrates that are quickly broken down into sugar. It is also important to avoid consuming gluten and dairy products because they promote the development of leaky gut in all people; not just the ones with allergies to these foods. Please also avoid consuming foods that contain yeast (such as bread and some alcohol), and limit fruit to one or two serves per day. Therefore it is best to base your diet on protein, vegetables and good fats, as outlined in my book "I Can't Lose Weight!...And I Don't Know Why. Whether you are overweight or not, the diet guidelines in this book help to overcome Candida infection. Diabetics are more prone to yeast infections than the average person because they have elevated blood sugar, and yeast loves sugar. If you are a diabetic and struggling to achieve good blood sugar control, I recommend the eating plan in my book Diabetes Type 2: You Can Reverse It. Recommended supplements for fighting Candida infection
  • Intestinal Parasite Cleanse capsules. These capsules contain a combination of powerful herbs that help to kill Candida and other parasites in the bowel. Pau D’arco tree bark has a long history of use as an anti-fungal remedy in South American countries. Garlic and cloves help to kill pathogenic microbes in the intestinal tract. Black walnut was traditionally used by North American Indians for helping to overcome infections of the digestive tract. Wormwood helps to improve digestive function, reduces bloating and gas.
  • Glutamine is an essential remedy for helping to overcome leaky gut syndrome because it literally helps to heal and seal the gut lining. Glutamine is a type of protein which is used as fuel by the cells lining your entire digestive system. Therefore it has healing and soothing properties and is very valuable for an irritated or inflamed digestive tract.
  • Colon Detox capsules. Constipation is a major barrier to overcoming Candida infection. If you are not having between one and three thorough bowel movements each day, it means you are constipated. Your colon is full of wastes that your body wants to eliminate. If you are not getting rid of these wastes quickly enough, you will reabsorb a significant amount back into your body. That can make you tired and cranky and prone to headaches. Also, if you are not getting rid of wastes quickly enough, you are providing food for all sorts of bad bacteria, yeast and fungi in your intestines. Constipated people have must higher levels of all the wrong bugs in their bowel. Colon Detox is an all natural formula designed to help you have thorough and regular bowel motions. The ingredients help to cleanse your bowel and get rid of harmful wastes and microbes.
  • A probiotic is a good bacteria supplement and will help to restore levels of beneficial bacteria in your intestines. Once you have overcome a Candida infection, it is good to include foods high in good bugs, for maintenance of good health. Examples of suitable foods include yoghurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi and miso.
By cleaning up the environment in your intestines and restoring a healthy balance of good bacteria, you will be less likely to develop a Candida infection. Getting rid of excess Candida can give you a dramatic improvement in energy and overall well being. If you have been suffering with low energy, low mood, sugar cravings and digestive discomfort for some time, I urge you to try my anti Candida recommendations. The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.