One of my patients named Juanita, a delightful Spanish woman, was troubled by a swollen gland (lymph node) in her left upper neck, just below the corner of her jaw. This gland felt tender and caused discomfort when she swallowed.

An ultrasound scan of her neck showed this lymph node to be slightly enlarged at 14mm size and there were no other enlarged glands. Blood tests and a chest X ray and an abdominal ultrasound scan did not show any other enlarged glands or organ enlargement, so she did not have the cancer known as lymphoma. She did not want the gland surgically removed or biopsied and preferred to try natural therapies. She tested positive for the HLADQ gluten intolerant genes in her blood test.

I put Juanita on a gluten and dairy free diet and prescribed Selenomune capsules to help her lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is part of the immune system and consists of a network of tiny vessels known as lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes (glands) all over the body. The lymphatic system is partly controlled by the thymus gland situated in front of the heart, and it produces white blood cells to fight viruses and cancer.

Within 12 months, the enlarged gland had shrunk to a size of 2mm and was no longer palpable and was not causing any symptoms. The effect of her diet on the swollen gland was very interesting, as if Juanita strayed from her diet and ate gluten or dairy products, the gland would swell and become uncomfortable again. Juanita understood that “you are what you eat”.

In all my patients with swollen glands, or with the cancer known as lymphoma, I recommend a gluten and dairy free diet. Juanita also lost 13 pounds on this diet and felt more energetic. She had been following the diet in my book called I can’t lose weight and I don’t know why. I also gave her my liver tonic called Livatone Plus. The liver is the main fat burning organ in the body and therefore controls the metabolic rate.

Swollen glands can also be caused by chronic or acute viral infections such as glandular fever (Epstein Barr Virus), Cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis, mycoplasma organisms etc. In all cases of chronic viral infections, it is vital to take supplements of selenium, zinc and iodine, as found in Selenomune capsules, as well as vitamin C supplements. Chronic viral infections if not treated with corrective nutritional medicine can lead to cancer of the lymphatic system. These chronic and often hidden infections can also cause Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or autoimmune disease.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.