
I recently saw a 34 year old man named Michael who presented with severe psoriasis affecting over 50% of his skin. He had been suffering from this rash for a decade and it was so chronic that it had stained his skin a deep blotchy purple and brown color.

He suppressed the rash with creams made of steroids and vitamin D. When I told him that we had to improve his liver function and immune system to get his psoriaisis under control, he was surprised that the liver had anything to do with his skin problem. He was keen to try my program as he was embarrassed to wear shorts or a swim suit as his skin condition was so obvious. Michael's skin was also continually shedding scales, which caused him deep embarrassment and anxiety.

An ultrasound scan of his liver revealed a fatty liver and he was 50 pounds overweight. His diet consisted of excess carbohydrates such as crisps, cookies and donuts. Michael didn't eat many vegetables.

I instructed him to change his diet with the following program:

  • Follow a gluten free diet. Gluten is found in wheat, rye, oats, barley, spelt, kamut and it is hidden in many processed foods. Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition and gluten must be avoided in all autoimmune diseases. I also asked Michael to avoid dairy products because the casein (protein) in dairy products increases inflammation in some people and can worsen autoimmune diseases.
  • Consume protein for breakfast each day, such as free range organic eggs, or left over poultry, seafood or meat from the previous night's dinner.
  • Eat a large salad every day and 2 pieces of fresh fruit.
  • If he got a craving for sweets, he was to make himself a smoothie with Synd-X Slimming protein powder, canned coconut milk, water and fresh or frozen berries. The Synd-X powder is high in protein and is sweetened with stevia the naturally sweet herb and contains extra taurine, glutamine and chromium. This means it would help to lower his insulin and blood sugar levels, thereby encouraging removal of unhealthy fat from his liver. Although whey protein powder is derived from milk, it contains very little casein, therefore is well tolerated by most people with dairy sensitivities.
  • Make one gallon of raw juices on the weekend and freeze it in glass jars so he could have fresh juice every day. He was to make juices from cucumber, celery, mint, parsley, carrot, apple, beets and beet tops, lime and ginger.
  • Take Livatone Plus every day - 2 capsules twice daily with meals.
  • Take Selenomune Designer Energy capsules - 1 capsule daily with food. Selenium helps to reduce inflammation in all immune system problems.
  • Take fish oil or vegan omega 3 oils.

I told him this program would take 6 months to really improve his problem and gradually heal and repair the discoloration of his skin. He would not only control his psoriasis without drugs but also reverse his fatty liver and lose weight.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.