If you’re a health conscious person, you’re probably careful about the amount of salt you eat. We’ve always been told that salt is bad for us, so this makes sense. Actually it’s not that simple. Recent research is showing that some salt is necessary for good health, and too little salt in your diet might cause problems. A recent study published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that people who consume less than 3 grams of salt per day had an increased risk of cardiovascular disease such as strokes and heart attacks. People who consume more than 6 grams per day are also at increased risk of cardiovascular disease. So an ideal daily salt intake seems to be between 3 and 6 grams. Salt is found in nearly all processed foods, so if you eat anything that comes in a packet with an ingredients list, you’re probably getting plenty of salt. If you have diabetes, are overweight or have syndrome X, you may be sensitive to salt and it would be best to limit your consumption. This is because elevated insulin is a common feature of these conditions, and insulin tells your kidneys to retain sodium. On the other hand, if you prepare all of your food from scratch and avoid anything that comes in a packet, and exercise regularly, you may need a bit more salt. This is especially true if you follow a low carbohydrate diet, which has the effect of flushing excess salt out of your body. If you don’t get enough salt in your diet, you may feel tired or dizzy and it can impair the health of your adrenal glands. Salt requirements vary. How much salt you should consume depends on your diet and your overall state of health.   Reference