Do you feel as well as you could?

Perhaps you need a spring clean detox?

Those of you living in the northern hemisphere are probably very relieved that spring has finally arrived. A long and cold winter can weaken just about anyone's resolve to eat well and exercise regularly. This may have left you with a few extra pounds that weren't there last summer, but you also may not be feeling your best.

Are you happy with your energy level? Are you happy with the quality of your sleep? Are the whites of your eyes clear and bright? Are your bowel habits healthy or have you been feeling bloated?

Your body gives you many signs when your health is not optimal. Perhaps it's time to pay attention.

Overindulging on food and alcohol will take a toll on your digestive system and liver.  These organs are the major detoxification channels in your body.  A sluggish bowel and liver allow a greater quantity of toxins to accumulate in your body.  This can leave you feeling tired, bloated, depressed and overweight.  Not a great way to start spring, or any time of year. To make a cleaning detox as easy as possible, we have launched the 15 Day Cleanse Program.

If you want to feel and look great, just follow my 5 detox tips and you'll be well on your way. 

  • Drink plenty of water.  Most people do not drink enough water, therefore they are chronically dehydrated.  Water does not include coffee, milk, soda or fruit juice.  Sugary drinks will leave you feeling more hungry.  You need to aim to drink 8 to 10 glasses of plain water or herbal tea or green tea per day.  This will improve your energy and ability to concentrate and it will speed up your metabolism.  You will find it so much easier to lose weight.  Water also helps you have regular bowel movements.
  • Make sure you have at least one bowel movement per day.  So many people are chronically constipated and this has a terrible effect on your metabolism and it promotes the overgrowth of bad bacteria in your bowel.   Many patients come to our clinic wanting help with weight loss.  They often assume their thyroid gland is behind their inability to lose weight.  After conducting thorough tests, we often find that there is nothing wrong with their thyroid gland, but they are badly constipated.  If your body is not getting rid of waste efficiently, you will have a slow and inefficient metabolism.  I recommend Colon Detox capsules to give your bowel a thorough cleanse and help to keep you regular.
  • Be kind to your liver.  Every substance that enters your body must eventually go to your liver for detoxification.  Substances that make your liver work harder include sugar, alcohol, rancid vegetable oil, food additives and medication.  The more of these you have in your diet, the harder it will be for your liver to detoxify your bloodstream and burn body fat.  Livatone Plus liver tonic contains the nutrients your liver requires for phase 1 and 2 detoxification.  Therefore it helps to make your liver more efficient.
  • Eat more vegetables.  Very few people consume the recommended quantity of vegetables each day.  Grains and meat tend to make up the bulk of most people’s diet.  Ideally you would consume at least 5 servings of vegetables each day.  A serving is half a cup of chopped vegetables or one cup of leafy vegetables.  You can have one or two pieces of fruit per day as well, but vegetables are more important because they are lower in sugar and higher in minerals than fruit. Consuming more vegetables will make your body more alkaline.
  • Get some regular movement.  Our bodies were designed to move, but unfortunately many of us have jobs or hobbies that involve sitting for long periods of time.  When you exercise, muscle contractions stimulate the flow of lymph around your body.  Lymph is your body’s garbage disposal unit.  Wastes are transported from your cells and bloodstream, into your lymph and then out of your body.  If you spend too much time sitting, you will be prone to fluid retention and puffiness.  Try to get some exercise each day, even if it is only a 15 minute walk.  If you are feeling really energetic you could perform some exercise that makes you huff, puff and sweat.  You release vast quantities of toxins from your body in sweat.

These 5 simple steps are easy ways to get back into a healthier lifestyle now that spring has arrived.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.