Australian data shows that teenage boys eat an average of 38 teaspoons of sugar each day. The scenario is similar in the USA and UK. This has sparked debate about the introduction of a sugar tax, which could generate much needed revenue for the nation’s healthcare, and reduce future health problems among citizens. Just about everyone knows that sugar is unhealthy, but few people realize how much they actually consume. You don’t need to be drinking soda and eating ice cream; you can ingest a lot of sugar just by consuming regular items such as bread, sauces and condiments. If you do happen to drink soda, your daily sugar intake can reach extreme levels. A 20 oz bottle of Coke contains a whopping 16 teaspoons of sugar. A sugar tax won’t stop people consuming sugar, but if their favorite soda or candy becomes more expensive, they may reduce their consumption. Teenage boys are growing rapidly and most of them have voracious appetites. They have the highest nutrient requirements of anyone. Therefore, their diet would ideally be high in nutritious foods. The problem is, a lot of foods that people think are healthy, aren’t actually healthy at all. Breakfast cereal, low fat yogurt, granola bars, bread and crackers are on the whole high in sugar and refined carbohydrates. These foods are rapidly digested, they raise blood sugar quickly, and then soon afterwards blood sugar levels crash again and you’ll feel hungry. Eating high carb foods promotes sugar cravings. This can quickly turn into a sugar addiction, where you feel like you’ve got to eat something sweet each day. Protein and healthy fats are far more sustaining. They are higher in nutrients than grains and cereals and more satiating. Healthy snacks for teenage boys include an omelette; a couple of boiled eggs, a turkey drumstick, hummus with raw vegetables, a handful of nuts or a home made beef patty. If you are struggling with sugar cravings, see our suggestions. Read more