Alcoholism in women appears more likely to be precipitated by a specific event or situation than for men. One study found that twice as many women as men referred to an unhappy love affair, divorce, the death of a child, parent or spouse or some other specific reason when describing the point when they started drinking heavily. This ties in with studies when woman alcoholics indicated a greater tendency than men to drink for psychological reasons and in response to stress. They more frequently experienced personal crises; reported a heavy drinking, unsupportive spouse; used other sedatives in addition to alcohol; drank spirits as their usual beverage; and reported more suicide attempts. There are double standards when it comes to women drinking heavily and men consuming alcohol at a rapid rate. Heavy drinking in males is seen as “ manly”  but “ unladylike”  in women. Young men are rewarded by their peers for demonstrating capacity to drink vast amounts of liquor, but society makes it clear to women that they should not behave in this way. Thus men, who may be reacting to the same crises and the same stress, can drink without strong social reaction. In other words, female heavy drinkers are held to be sicker than males, and this is seen as a factor that will make recovery more difficult for females. The factor that is overlooked here is what exactly is being learned. During recovery, drinking in response to crises and to emotional upheavals is not possible, and alternative ways of handling these situations have to be learned. As women have often started their drinking careers later than men, they have previously had an opportunity to learn and practice alternative ways of handling these situations early in adulthood, whereas men are almost encouraged to drink to solve these problems. Hence, we have a positive force in the recovery process and an advantage women alcoholics have over men, is that they have experienced an alternative lifestyle. Clearly, women who have been practicing ineffective methods of coping in response to situational crises and stress need to learn new and effective ways of coping. In particular, they need to learn that resort to alcohol only makes these situations worse, and that calm, rational problem-solving followed by assertive behavior is a method likely to be effective. The point is that male alcoholics need to learn this as well. Another reason given for drinking is that alcoholics have a repressed but unresolved craving for maternal care. It is said by those who favor this theory that alcoholism is more prevalent among men because women have greater opportunities to be dependent, while men cannot openly express their dependency needs, as this does not fit the view of men as strong and independent. It could be agreed that this is another factor working in favor of alcoholic women. Presumably they are less restricted in openly being dependent, so generally their dependency needs are more likely to be satisfied and consequently they should be less strongly motivated to seek artificial gratification through the use of alcohol. I recommend amino acids to help balance brain chemistry and a good liver tonic to help repair liver damage. Specific amino acids are essential for the liver to breakdown toxins and drugs and also for efficient metabolism in the liver. Glutamine - This amino acid is required for phase two detoxification in the liver and is required in increased amounts by those who consume excessive alcohol. It is able to reduce the craving for alcohol. Glutamine supplementation is helpful for intestinal disorders such as peptic ulcers and leaky gut syndrome. Leaky gut is the term used to describe an inflamed condition of the lining of the bowel, which makes the bowel too permeable, so that toxins and incompletely digested food particles can be absorbed from the bowels directly into the liver. This increases the workload of the liver and may cause many health problems. Glutamine is essential for the white cells to fight viruses such as hepatitis B and C. Glutamine is converted in the body into glutamic acid, which, along with the amino acids cysteine and glycine, is converted into the powerful liver protector glutathione. Glutathione is essential for liver phase two conjugation reactions used during detoxification of drugs and toxic chemicals. Livatone is a natural liver tonic containing the liver herbs St Mary’s Thistle, Globe Artichoke and Dandelion, combined with the amino acid Taurine, and Lecithin. It also contains natural sources of Chlorophyll, Carotenoids and fiber. It is available in both capsule and powder form. The liver is the main fat burning organ in the body and regulates fat and carbohydrate metabolism. A healthy liver will take fat in the form of cholesterol and pump it via the bile into the intestines where it will be carried away in the bowel actions provided the diet is high in fiber. Tyrosine Mood Food – Tyrosine is a natural amino acid – one of the building blocks of protein.  It is required for the manufacture of the brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) dopamine and noradrenaline.  These neurotransmitters are required for concentration, alertness, memory and a happy, stable mood. Magnesium – the great relaxer. Magnesium plays an essential role in maintaining and promoting efficient muscle function and nerve transmission. Magnesium is a vital mineral for hundreds of cellular enzymes involved in the body’s energy production and metabolism. It is required by the nervous system to regulate the function of nerves and muscles. Magnesium may also assist in the reduction of stress, nervous tension, anxiety and sleeplessness.   The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.