Are clogged sinuses giving you headaches? This is one of the most common causes of headaches. It can occur when the sinus passages behind your cheeks, forehead, eyes and nose are congested. You may experience the headache on one or both sides of your head. Typically the pain is worse when you lean forward.

Sometimes sinus headaches are a symptom of ongoing inflamed sinuses called sinusitis, and sometimes they only happen occasionally when a person experiences allergies or an infection. Either way, the pain and pressure of a sinus headache can ruin your day. If you suffer with headaches it is always important to see your doctor and obtain a correct diagnosis. Please don’t ever just assume you know what’s causing them.

Infected sinuses can be very painful and the infection may require a course of antibiotics. Many of our patients who suffer with chronic sinus issues have taken many antibiotics throughout their life. That’s not ideal because by killing beneficial bacteria in the intestines, the antibiotics can lead to a weakened immune system in the future.

How to overcome chronic sinus problems

It’s important to first improve the gut flora, which means the types of bacteria in the gut. These gut bugs are warriors that can fight the bad bacteria causing the infection in the sinuses. You need to have a healthy gut lining (mucous membrane) if you want the lining of your sinuses to be healthy. My patients benefit from the antimicrobial herbs in BactoClear capsules. They contain the essential oils of clove, wormwood and oregano. BactoClear capsules have a natural disinfectant action in the sinuses.

I also recommend bone broth. The minerals and gelatin in bone broth are easy to digest and soothing to the lining of your intestines. To heal the gut lining you can also take my Ultimate Gut Health powder. This will heal a leaky gut and promote healthy bacteria in the gut, as it contains a probiotic as well as glutamine, aloe vera, slippery elm, and pectin. Avoid the foods which promote unhealthy bacterial growth and mucus formation, such as sugar and dairy products. You may also find a gluten free diet helps to reduce headaches. Additionally, any food you have an allergy or sensitivity to can irritate your immune system and promote chronic inflammation. If you suspect you have hidden food sensitivities it’s best to see a healthcare practitioner to help you identify them.

Eat foods that act as natural antibiotics such as garlic, radish, rosemary, oregano and thyme. If you are congested and clogged up with mucus, a supplement of N-Acetyl-Cysteine (NAC) in a dose of one or two 600 mg capsules twice daily is invaluable. It can make the mucus thinner, allowing it to be cleared more easily. Selenium and iodine are both minerals that help to strengthen your immune system and reduce the risk of infections. Selenium levels are very low in the soils of many parts of the world; therefore, a lot of people don’t get enough in their diet. Iodine is abundant in the oceans; however, many people are deficient in iodine. An excellent supplement to provide selenium and iodine is Selenomune Designer Energy capsules.

Inhaling steam with a little tea tree oil in it may ease sinus congestion.  You don’t need a fancy steam inhaler. Simply fill a large bowl with water from your kettle - place a towel over your head and take deep breaths in for ten minutes or so.  Be careful not to burn your eyes with combination of heat off the steam and oil constituents.

Allergies to airborne substances may be triggering sinusitis. Your immune system may have become sensitized to normally harmless substances like pollen, grass, dust mites or animals. Minimizing your exposure to these allergens can be challenging. Improving your gut health and healing leaky gut by following the strategies in the second point should reduce airborne allergies, but it takes a long time. Allergy Relief tablets contain herbs and nutrients that provide symptomatic relief of mucus and congestion and a runny nose.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.