Are you concerned that your memory isn’t what it once was? Is it just because you are stressed and tired, or could it be the earliest signs of dementia? Have you misplaced your car keys or forgotten about an appointment? This is fairly common but there are various ways in which you can improve your retention and recall; this is outlined below. Poor memory is often considered a "normal" part of aging, but this is not so. If you are otherwise healthy there is no reason to expect a decline in your mental function. However, a healthy diet and lifestyle and plenty of mental stimulation is required to keep your memory sharp.

Possible causes of declining memory include:

  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Hormonal imbalances such as an underactive thyroid or menopause
  • Alcoholic brain damage
  • Drug or heavy metal poisoning. Regular use of marijuana will greatly affect short term memory
  • Poor circulation to the brain due to disease of the cerebral arteries can cause memory defects so it is important to take care of the circulation

Mood disorders like depression or anxiety can also interfere with memory, because if any material to be learned is not registered and assimilated properly, you will have no hope of recalling it later on. Magnesium is excellent for both anxiety and depression. It helps to make you feel calmer during the day and sleep more deeply at night. Memory loss can also be a symptom of Alzheimer's Disease or other dementias. Any significant memory problems should be investigated by your doctor.

My recommendations to sharpen your memory

  • Write notes or lists for yourself.
  • Use visual cues. For example, stickers can come in handy to stick in an obvious place where you will see them. A sticker on your toothbrush will definitely remind you of that dentist's appointment, or one on the dashboard of the car will ensure you pick up that package after work.
  • Heavy metal poisoning is a serious risk factor for dementia. If you are concerned about your memory, ask your doctor for a blood test for lead and mercury. These metals can be poisonous to your nervous system. Doing my 15 Day Cleanse can help because it improves the function of your gut, liver and immune system. Chlorella, which is present in the cleanse is especially good for carrying heavy metals out of the body.
  • A lot of us have trouble remembering people's names. When you are introduced, say their name out loud and make a conscious effort to register it in your memory bank. You may choose to associate their face with some visual cue. For example, a woman named Elizabeth can be imagined dressed up as a queen, or a man named Michael with Mickey Mouse ears on his head!
  • Don’t be overweight around your torso. Carrying fat here is a risk to your brain. This is because fat cells in this area produce inflammatory chemicals that can cross the blood brain barrier and harm your brain cells. Carrying weight on the torso usually means a person has a fatty liver. Livatone Plus capsules help clear fat from the liver.
  • Be predictable and always put things like glasses and keys in the same place.
  • An inflamed gut can cause an inflamed brain. If you have a leaky gut, waste products and toxins that can harm your brain will be allowed to enter your circulation. The most common causes of leaky gut are food sensitivities (gluten, dairy, eggs, soy, corn), small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, dysbiosis and parasites. Gut Health powder contains nutrients that soothe and heal the gut lining, making it a more effective barrier.
  • Keep your brain active by reading
  • Reduce stress through regular exercise, meditation, yoga or relaxation exercises. Exercise also improves circulation and helps bring elevated triglycerides back down to normal. In this way it reduces the risk of stroke.

My book Alzheimer's - What you must know to protect your brain includes a 4-Point program with brain boosting foods and recipes, brain boosting supplements, lifestyle improvement and brain games to strengthen the brain.


The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.