Vinegar has some remarkable benefits for your metabolism. In particular it can make blood sugar control and weight loss easier. This particular study is published in the journal Diabetes Care and titled “Vinegar improves insulin sensitivity to a high carbohydrate meal in subjects with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes”.  The journal is published by the American Diabetes Association. People with type 2 diabetes or insulin resistance do not respond as well to the hormone insulin. Insulin does not do a good job of getting glucose into cells where it can be burned for energy. Therefore blood sugar tends to be higher than ideal, and the excess insulin stimulates the deposition of body fat, particularly around the torso. People who are insulin resistant also typically experience far greater levels of hunger and cravings for carbohydrate. Research has shown that adding some vinegar to your meal can help to reduce both insulin and blood sugar after that meal. This is because vinegar helps insulin to work more efficiently in your body. If insulin works better, blood sugar improves and it is easier to lose weight. Using vinegar as a salad dressing is an easy, inexpensive way of helping your metabolism. I recommend apple cider vinegar because of the benefits it has to your digestive system and gallbladder. Reference