Not everyone ages at the same rate. When you are young, it’s usually possible to eat unhealthy food and have an unhealthy lifestyle, yet still look good. Once you reach middle age, an unhealthy diet and an unhealthy liver can become obvious. Having an unhealthy liver can make you look older and feel older.

The aging process is caused by wear and tear to our organs and tissues, and especially a part of our genetic structure (DNA) which regulates the rate at which the cell will age. This part of our DNA is called the telomere and is the end part of the DNA. The telomere protects the DNA against damage from free radicals, so we want our telomeres to be long. Telomeres can be damaged by a build-up of toxins in the body which may come from polluted air, cigarette smoke, heavy metals, pesticides, oxidized omega 6 fats from industrial seed oil, and excess sugar. The liver is the only organ that can break down these toxic substances and it is working very hard every day, when toxic chemicals have become widespread. If your liver is fatty, inflamed or infected by hepatitis viruses it will need even more help to achieve its normal functions.

Your liver is responsible for cleansing your bloodstream. If you do not look after it, your blood stream may become overloaded with toxins and these things will damage both the DNA and mitochondria in your cells. The result is you will find yourself aging more rapidly and putting on weight too easily. The mitochondria are where energy is generated, thus you will probably also feel very tired. Damaged mitochondria are a cancer risk factor.

You may feel and look older than your years because your liver is not producing enough energy. Support your liver function with Livatone Plus. It is a high potency, multi-action formula that has been used and trusted by people across the world for more than 20 years! A comprehensive and unique formulation designed to support and strengthen detoxification pathways, to help rid the body of toxins, heavy metals and excess cholesterol. Livatone Plus can assist the liver in repairing and regenerating itself in cases of inflammation or liver damage and supports the gallbladder and digestive system to function optimally. Best results are obtained when following the eating guide in the book The Liver Cleansing Diet or Fatty Liver: You Can Reverse It.

Vital tips to slow down aging

  • A healthy gut improves your chances of a long and healthy life. If you suffer from malabsorption, leaky gut syndrome or an overgrowth of harmful microbes in your digestive tract, you will not be absorbing nutrients from your food and supplements adequately. Deficiency of vitamins and antioxidants makes your body more prone to harm caused by oxidative damage. Sipping a little apple cider vinegar in warm water before meals is an excellent way to improve digestion and absorption of nutrients. Taking a supplement of betaine hydrochloride is an even more powerful way of supporting good digestion. If you feel particularly bloated after meals, you would benefit from a digestive enzyme supplement, taken with each meal.
  • You may have an overgrowth of harmful microbes in the intestines that interfere with nutrient absorption. The bad bugs can literally steal your nutrients. They also release harmful toxins that travel to the liver via the hepatic portal vein, overwhelming the liver with wastes. This can make you feel tired, moody, and give you intense sugar cravings. BactoClear capsules are a natural anti-microbial for your intestines.
  •  Eat foods that reduce inflammation. Believe it or not, the foods you eat can directly affect the level of inflammation in your body. Inflammation is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease, stroke and high blood pressure, as well as contributing to joint pain, digestive complaints and mood disorders. All of those conditions become more prevalent as people get older. Reduce or remove gluten, dairy, alcohol, sugar, artificial sweeteners and ultra processed foods from your diet as these are pro-inflammatory to the body. Increase the amount of fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel), citrus fruits, berries, fresh vegetable juices, leafy greens, ginger, garlic, turmeric and chilli in your diet as they help to reduce inflammation in the body. Glutathione is the most powerful anti-inflammatory and detoxifier in your body. Your body requires n-acetyl cysteine to produce it.
  • Don’t forget about your lifestyle and self care. Try to obtain good quality sleep and exercise. You might have an excellent diet, but you will not be able to achieve overall good health if poor sleep and lack of exercise are issues. Meditation, yoga and morning exercise are usually effective for helping people wind down at night and achieve good quality sleep. If your mind races with thoughts and you find it hard to switch off, taking magnesium with your evening meal may help.


The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.