Brain fog is a very common symptom of celiac disease. Excluding all gluten from the diet can significantly improve mental clarity.

People with undiagnosed celiac disease, who regularly eat gluten are more likely to have problems with focus, memory and concentration. This is an important reminder that celiac disease does not solely affect the gastrointestinal tract. It has the potential to affect any organ or tissue of the body.

Brain fog is something many of our patients complain of and we’ve seen dramatic improvements upon the adoption of a gluten free diet. A recent study titled “Cognitive impairment in celiac disease improves on a gluten-free diet and correlates with histological and serological indices of disease severity” was published in the journal Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

The researchers noticed a correlation between improved healing of the small intestine upon removal of gluten from the diet with improved cognitive function. Gut health is so important for good mental health. If you are worried your brain is not as sharp as it could be, perhaps a test for celiac disease is warranted.

Celiac disease causes damage to the intestinal lining, allowing gut wastes to enter the circulation and travel to the liver. The liver gets overwhelmed with toxins, and they spill out into the bloodstream. Improving liver function with Livatone Plus improves mental clarity and energy levels.
