Do you often find it difficult to think quickly and get motivated? Brain fog is a very common symptom that a lot of people experience. It can make your life harder, as it takes longer to get work done. Many people find that correcting intestinal problems can be an amazing way of restoring mental clarity. For some people, gluten is the biggest culprit.

Research has shown that people with undiagnosed celiac disease, who regularly eat gluten are more likely to have problems with focus, memory and concentration. This is an important reminder that celiac disease, and most other digestive conditions don’t solely affect the gastrointestinal tract. They have the potential to affect any organ or tissue of the body.

Brain fog is something many of our patients complain of and we’ve seen dramatic improvements upon the adoption of a gluten free diet. A recent study titled “Cognitive impairment in celiac disease improves on a gluten-free diet and correlates with histological and serological indices of disease severity” was published in the journal Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics.

The researchers noticed a correlation between improved healing of the small intestine upon removal of gluten from the diet with improved cognitive function. Gut health is so important for good mental health. If you are worried your brain is not as sharp as it could be, perhaps a test for celiac disease is warranted.

Celiac disease causes damage to the intestinal lining, allowing gut wastes to enter the circulation and travel to the liver. The liver gets overwhelmed with toxins, and they spill out into the bloodstream. Improving liver function with Livatone Plus improves mental clarity and energy levels.

If you are prone to constipation, bloating, gas or diarrhea, it means there is an imbalance in the good and bad microbes in your intestines. Bad bacteria can secrete toxins that can enter your bloodstream and actually pass through your blood brain barrier, muddling your thoughts and raising the risk of depression, anxiety, poor concentration and low motivation.

Glutamine and the other ingredients in Gut Health powder are renowned for their ability to heal and seal the gut lining. They help to renew and repair the intestinal lining, making it a better barrier against the entry of toxins.

BactoClear capsules contain essential oils of clove, oregano and thyme, as well as the herbal extract berberine. These capsules may help with bloating, wind and digestive discomfort due to overgrowth of harmful gut bugs.

Food sensitivities are a very common and often overlooked cause of mood and cognitive problems. A food sensitivity can cause the development of leaky gut syndrome, with all the resultant problems. Food sensitivities also cause harm because they activate the immune system in a destructive way. The inflammatory chemicals and antibodies that are produced every time you ingest an offending food cause stress to your liver and your brain. People with food sensitivities typically do not produce sufficient digestive enzymes. This means food molecules are incompletely digested when they enter the bloodstream. This causes an immune reaction and the subsequent development of food intolerance. Taking a Digestive Enzymes supplement with meals can help to prevent this.

There are various different tests to check for a food sensitivity, but the most accurate method (which is also free) is an elimination diet. This is where you completely avoid the food for one month and watch for a change in symptoms. The most common problematic foods are dairy products, gluten-containing grains, soy, corn and eggs. Try avoiding those foods for a month and see if it affects your brain power.

For more information on keeping your gut healthy, see the book Heal Your Gut: An A to Z Guide.


The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.