Leesa is a 22 year old girl who came to see me for help with Crohn’s disease. She had been diagnosed a year ago and was unhappy with the management of her condition. Bowel cancer is in Leesa’s family. She knew inflammatory bowel disease is a risk factor for colon cancer in the future. Fortunately Leesa didn’t need to be on long term medication at this stage. Her doctor only gave her medication when she was experiencing a flare up. Stress caused by her studies and tension in her family home seemed to trigger flare ups.

Leesa’s gastroenterologist had given her a low dose steroid to take for a week whenever she experienced a flare up. He also told her to avoid garlic and spicy foods during those times, and try to minimize stress. Leesa came to see me to find out if she could avoid flare ups in the future.

Abdominal cramps and diarrhea were the Crohn’s disease symptoms Leesa experienced. She also occasionally experienced some nausea. She had been taking my Gut Health powder for the past month and found it reduced the intensity of the diarrhea and cramps immensely.

Leesa wasn’t a great sleeper. She often had broken restless sleep and that made it very difficult to concentrate on her studies the next day. That heightened her stress levels, and then sleeping well became more and more difficult.

My recommendations for my patient

Leesa’s diet wasn’t great. She knew that. She was an extremely busy person, studying during the days and working at night. I asked Leesa to follow the eating guide in our book Healing Autoimmune Disease. The diet is based on vegetables, animal protein and natural fats. It excludes gluten, dairy products and some other foods that can irritate the gut lining and promote leaky gut. In Leesa’s case I asked her to avoid garlic, onion and cauliflower for the time being, since she told me they tend to aggravate her gut, and they are high FODMAP foods. High FODMAP foods can irritate the gut of many people with inflammatory bowel disease.

 I asked Leesa to take BactoClear capsules and also continue taking Gut Health powder to reduce levels of harmful bacteria and yeast in her gut, and heal leaky gut, as this is the focus in the management of autoimmune disease.

In autoimmune disease such as Crohn’s disease, the liver is responsible for producing excessively high levels of inflammatory chemicals and this worsens the condition. I gave Leesa Livatone Plus capsules to help improve her liver health.

The majority of my patients are low in vitamin D and Leesa was too. She spent most of her time indoors – either studying or working. I gave her a vitamin D supplement and asked her to spend some time in the sun, being careful to never get sunburnt.

Sufficient good quality sleep is so important for physical and mental health. All health problems get worse with insufficient sleep and mental health suffers. I asked Leesa to take 1 teaspoon of Magnesium Ultra Potent powder with her evening meal.

I plan to see Leesa again in 4 weeks.    

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.