Josh is a 42 year old patient who came to see me for help with recurrent infections. He was catching a cold or flu every four to six weeks. He also suffered with chronic allergic rhinitis, so recently his nose was runny or blocked either from allergies or infections. This was really draining his energy and interfering with his sleep. Josh developed a boil (skin infection around a hair follicle, also known as a furuncle) on his lower back three weeks ago which required two courses of antibiotics to clear. Josh lives at home with his parents and helps care for his younger sister who lives with multiple disabilities. His stress levels have been high recently and he thinks that is the reason he keeps getting infections.

Josh has been a type one diabetic since he was 32. He has learned to manage the diabetes well most of the time, but stress can get in the way. It is certainly true that stress hormones raise blood sugar, and insufficient sleep can raise blood sugar too. Josh had a tendency to comfort eat when he felt stressed. He craved pizza and ice cream and gave into his cravings when stress got the better of him. Josh’s sister has recently experienced complications from her numerous medical issues and this has caused anxiety and stress in the entire family. Josh believes this is the reason he has developed several infections recently. The antibiotics Josh took for the boil have upset his gut. He feels bloated after every meal and has been waking up early each morning with urgent diarrhea.

His local doctor ordered a blood test for Josh and he brought the results to his consultation. As I suspected, his blood sugar was higher than ideal. His average fasting blood sugar was 126 mg/dL. This increased the risk of diabetic complications in the future, but it also raised the risk of infections, such as the boil Josh developed. The boil was very painful and it made it very difficult to sleep.

My recommendations for my patient

--The chronic allergic rhinitis meant that Josh almost always felt congested in his nose. The excess mucus production predisposed him to infections. Mucus is the perfect home and breeding ground for microbes. Josh loved cheese and ice cream but he knew they made him congested. It is important for him to avoid dairy products because they chronically aggravated his immune system, leading to mucus congestion. I also asked Josh to take 2 BactoClear capsules twice daily with meals. The essential oils and berberine in these capsules act as powerful natural anti microbials. They help kill bad gut bugs in the sinuses as well as the gut. BactoClear capsules help kill fungi as well. Josh had developed a fungal overgrowth since the two courses of antibiotics because he had a thick white coating on his tongue and bad breath.

  • Reducing stress, anxiety and tension was important. Josh knew that when he felt calmer, he had fewer carbohydrate cravings and it was easier to maintain a healthy diet. I asked him to take one teaspoon of Magnesium Ultra Potent powder with his evening meal each day. Magnesium is wonderfully relaxing and it improves sleep quality.
  • I wanted to get Josh’s blood sugar down quickly. Berberine is a powerful herbal remedy to achieve this. It is safe to take with the insulin Josh uses and is safe with medication for type 2 diabetes also. I asked Josh to take 2 capsules twice daily with meals and to monitor his blood sugar level, as his insulin usage would need adjustment once his blood sugar is at a healthier level. I also asked Josh to follow the eating guidelines in my book about Type 2 diabetes, since it is useful for individuals with either type 1 or 2 diabetes.
  • Josh has red hair and very pale skin. He rarely spends much time in the sun because he burns easily. Whenever he has had a blood test for vitamin D, his level has been low. Being low in vitamin D weakens the immune system and makes a person more prone to infections. It can also make it harder to achieve good blood sugar control. I asked Josh to take one Vitamin D capsule each morning with breakfast.
  • BactoClear would help the bloating Josh experienced since taking the two courses of antibiotics but he also needed Gut Health powder to heal the inflammation in his intestines that was causing urgent diarrhea in the mornings since taking the antibiotics. I asked Josh to take one teaspoon twice daily on an empty stomach.

I plan to see Josh again in 4 weeks to monitor his progress.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.