Miriam was a typical country woman who had had a hard life on the land weathering the hot Australian sun. She had neglected herself and always put her family first. She had come to see me at my medical clinic. Miriam was 56 years of age, but she looked 70, with very puffy and lined skin, and dry brittle thinning hair. She complained of constipation and fatigue, but put it down to simply getting older.

Miriam’s physical examination revealed slow and delayed muscle reflexes and some muscle weakness, and she was also overweight.

Miriam’s blood tests revealed a very under active thyroid gland showing the following –

Free T 3 = 1.43 pmol/L  2.5 – 6.0
Free T 4 = 6 pmol/L      8.0 – 22.0
TSH = 26 mIU/L 0.30 – 4.0
Anti-thyroglobulin antibodies = negative (less than 100)
Anti-microsomal antibodies = 95 (less than 100)

My recommendations for my patient:

  • I started Miriam on thyroid hormone (thyroxine) tablets in a dose of 50 mcg daily and over a month I gradually raised her dose to 100 mcg daily. I also gave her Thyroid Health Capsules which contain selenium, iodine, zinc, and vitamin D.
  • Myriam was prone to constipation. She often went 2 or 3 days without having a bowel motion. This made her depressed and sometimes triggered a migraine. Gut toxicity can impair healthy thyroid gland function. I gave Myriam Fibertone powder to mix in water each day, as well as Livatone capsules, to promote healthy bile flow. Bile is your body’s natural laxative.
  • For some people, Livatone alone is not strong enough, and they benefit from taking an ox bile supplement. This improves digestion, is a natural laxative and prevents the overgrowth of harmful gut bugs.
  • Myriam responded well to this dose and after 6 months treatment, she was most pleased with the following improvements –

Her hair stopped falling out and was less grey in colour.

She lost 26 pounds in weight.

Her muscle strength returned.

Her memory and mental acuity improved.

Her bowels were no longer sluggish.

She was able to work much harder on the farm and achieve much more.

The striking thing to me was that Miriam looked more than 10 years younger and I could see that she was really a most attractive woman, who had just let herself go.

An under active thyroid gland causes the metabolism of every cell in the body to slow down; this results in an accelerated rate of aging of the body and the brain.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.