Moreen was a 44 year old lady who came to see me for help with long term exhaustion and gallstones. She had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis a year ago and was taking 100 mcg of thyroxine daily. Moreen’s partner claimed she was sleepy all day, and the thyroid medication didn’t help to increase her energy. Every time her doctor did a blood test, Moreen’s hormone levels looked normal. She wasn’t a great sleeper, so assumed the fatigue was caused by insufficient sleep.

Moreen knew she had gallstones. She’d had an ultrasound of her liver and gallbladder a year ago. She’d had chronic low grade pain on the right upper side of her abdomen for many years. A year ago the pain intensified and she experienced some intense cramps. The ultrasound showed a fatty liver and several gallstones. Her gallbladder was not inflamed, so there was no immediate threat of a serious problem. Several women in Moreen’s family had their gallbladder removed in their 40s. Maureen wanted to avoid becoming one of them.

I looked through Moreen’s test results which showed raised liver enzymes (typical of fatty liver), low vitamin D, low iodine and low B12.  Moreen’s diet was good most of the time; she based her diet on protein and vegetables. Unfortunately she had a lot of sugar cravings and once Moreen started eating sugar, she couldn’t stop. She had to finish entire packs of cookies, chocolate or ice cream. This aggravated her gallbladder and Moreen was terrified of ending up in hospital with a gallbladder attack.

My recommendations for my patient

To help her thyroid, liver and gallbladder,  I asked Moreen to completely avoid gluten and dairy products and follow a low carbohydrate diet. This is necessary for anyone suffering with these conditions. I asked Moreen to base her diet on vegetables and protein, such as seafood, poultry, grass fed meat and eggs, along with healthy fats. These foods are usually most appropriate for people with digestive and immune system problems. The eating guide is in the book Healing Autoimmune Disease: A plan to help your immune system and reduce inflammation. To reduce her sugar cravings, I asked Moreen to take one Glicemic Balance capsule with each meal. It reduces sugar cravings by stabilizing blood sugar levels.

Nutrient deficiencies needed to be corrected. I gave Moreen a vitamin D supplement and a B12 supplement. The vitamin D would reduce inflammation and reduce auto antibody production. Vitamin B12 would give her more energy and motivation. To correct the iodine deficiency I asked Moreen to take 1 Thyroid Health capsule each day. This also contains selenium which is needed for the activation of thyroxine into its active form. This should greatly improve Moreen’s energy level.

To help improve her liver health and aid the repair of inflamed liver cells, I asked Moreen to take two capsules of Livatone Plus daily with meals. A healthier liver produces healthier bile that is less likely to form stones. Taking an ox bile capsule with each meal should help to thin the bile and soften the stones that are in Moreen’s gallbladder.

I asked Moreen to come back five weeks later so I could check on her progress. She said she wants to have regular consultations as a way of keeping her on track with her diet. She finds it easier to stay away from sugar if she has someone to answer to.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.