I recently had a consultation with the patient I wrote about in this case study. His wife Maria experiences a lot of anxiety about the health of every family member. She wanted Michael to have regular consultations with me to keep up his motivation for reversing his fatty liver.

I saw Michael for his initial consultation three months ago. He intended to come in for frequent consultations, but he is a workaholic and became extremely busy in his job. As I suggested, Michael  began basing his meals on protein and low carb vegetables. He ate much larger portions of meat, seafood and poultry, and when he ate eggs for breakfast, he had 4. Michael was very happy with how satiated this made him feel. He said “It’s amazing, I hardly think about food anymore. I used to always look in the kitchen at home and at work for snacks.”

Eating larger meals and avoiding snacks enabled Michael to lose 2 inches from his waist. This is a certain sign that his fatty liver would have improved, and his risk of type 2 diabetes was reduced.

Unfortunately, in the past month there has been quite a lot of stress in Michael’s life. His elderly mother passed away and his son moved overseas for work. When Michael is stressed he throws himself into work. He is self employed and an entrepreneur. He works extremely long hours and doesn’t allow himself enough rest or sleep. He would stay up until 12 or 1am, working on his computer. This was very bad for his circadian rhythm. Michael was getting insufficient sleep and spent almost no time outdoors. This worsens insulin and leptin resistance, increases appetite hormones and worsens insulin resistance. His wife noticed chocolate wrappers in the bin and phoned me to arrange a consultation.

Because his meal times became irregular, Michael stopped being consistent with his supplements. Reversing a fatty liver takes time and commitment. I regularly see a similar scenario among my patients; when they are motivated and consistent with their diet and supplements, they get amazing results. A big stressful episode or a series of several smaller stressors cause patients to revert back to unhealthy diet and lifestyle habits.

My recommendations for my patient

  • Firstly I suggested Michael takes one teaspoon of Magnesium Ultra Potent powder with his evening meal each day. Magnesium is calming and relaxing to the nervous system and muscles. It helps people to handle stress better and that always improves chances of sticking with a healthy diet and routine.
  • Michael’s wife took Livatone Plus and N-acetyl cysteine, which is what I recommended to Michael to reverse his fatty liver. That meant there was always plenty of these at home, and Michael took them when he remembered. Like most patients, he didn’t understand the seriousness of having a fatty liver. He didn’t realise it raises the risk of developing around a dozen serious diseases.
  • Since he developed a nightly chocolate ritual, Michael’s sugar cravings returned with a vengeance. He really needed 1 Glicemic Balance capsule with each meal, in order to stabilize his blood sugar and insulin level, thus making it easier to stick to a healthy diet.
  • I sent Michael off for a blood test to get his ferritin (iron) level checked again. This will determine if Michael needs another venesection or can make a blood donation. Having too much iron in the liver can cause damage to liver cells, and high iron is also a heart attack risk for men Michael’s age.

I plan to see Michael again in 4 weeks.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.