Fibromyalgia is a very common problem that causes pain and other symptoms. It is more common in women than men and the pain can become very distressing. Deficiency of magnesium and selenium is a major contributing factor. Supplementing with these minerals can offer substantial relief.

Fibromyalgia presents itself as pain and tenderness in the muscles, ligaments and connective tissues. In severe cases, the whole body aches and can feel as if it is on fire. That’s because there is a lot of inflammation present. The muscle pain in fibromyalgia is often similar to conditions which occur as a result of injury or muscle overuse, but these causes are not present. Tenderness in the muscles and tendons which are painful to touch are known as trigger points.

The pain may be chronic or intermittent and to qualify for the diagnosis of fibromyalgia it must have been present for at least three months. Along with pain, most patients also experience disturbed, poor quality sleep and long standing fatigue. It typically first develops during the peri menopause time.

What causes fibromyalgia?

One or more of the following may be present:

  • Deficiency of selenium and magnesium, which raises inflammation in the body and increases sensitivity to pain.
  • Autoimmune disease causing inflammation in the connective tissues
  • Unbalanced gut bugs, causing leaky gut and hence systemic inflammation
  • Hormonal imbalances such as decreasing production of the steroid hormones from the ovaries, testicles and the adrenal glands.
  • Vitamin D deficiency.
  • Hidden infections in the body.
  • Build up of toxins and acidic waste products in the connective tissues and muscles.

Tests such as X-rays and blood tests are often normal in fibromyalgia. A nuclear bone scan may show up widespread inflammation in ligaments and can be useful to exclude bone cancer. It is important to check blood levels of testosterone (both free and total testosterone) and cortisol, because deficiencies of these hormones can cause aggravation of fibromyalgia.

Magnesium deficiency worsens fibromyalgia

A study conducted in 2013 evaluated 60 pre-menopausal women who had been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and compared them to 20 healthy women who didn’t have fibromyalgia. Each woman received 300mg of magnesium each day, or 10mg of amitriptyline (a tricyclic antidepressant commonly prescribed for fibromyalgia), or a combination of magnesium and the antidepressant.

For a start, the women with fibromyalgia were found to have lower blood levels of magnesium than the healthy women. The researchers also discovered a negative correlation between magnesium status and fibromyalgia symptoms – the lower the magnesium level, the worse the fibromyalgia. After 8 weeks of magnesium supplementation, the women given magnesium were shown to have a significant improvement in the number of tender points, tender point index, fibromyalgia impact questionnaire scores and Beck depression scores. These are all indicators of the severity of fibromyalgia. The scientists concluded that low red blood cell magnesium levels may be a causative factor in fibromyalgia symptoms.

Selenium deficiency raises inflammation and the pain of fibromyalgia

Selenium is necessary for the production of selenoproteins, which are antioxidant enzymes that help to fight cellular damage caused by free radicals. A study published in the journal, Rheumatology International showed that increased levels of free radicals may be responsible for the development of fibromyalgia. Another study, published in the journal, Toxicology Letters, found significantly lower levels of selenium in people with fibromyalgia, compared to healthy individuals.






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