Fatty liver is not a harmless condition. Around a third of adults in Western nations have a fatty liver, and too many of them don’t take the diagnosis seriously enough. When the liver is fatty or inflamed, it produces specific enzymes called matrix metalloproteinases. These enzymes travel around the bloodstream and can make it easier for cancer cells to spread to other parts of the body. That means, if a person with a fatty liver gets cancer, the cancer can metastasise more easily. Reversing a fatty liver can help to cancer proof your body.

In a normal, healthy liver, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are responsible for regenerating and repairing liver cells that may have become injured while detoxing your body and carrying out their regular functions. A fatty or inflamed liver attempts to regenerate itself more rapidly, thus production of MMPs increases. Your liver is trying to help you out, but having too many MMPs in your body isn’t good. MMPs don’t just stay in your liver. They enter systemic circulation and every part of your body they reach can suffer with consequences. When produced in excess, MMPs lead to tissue breakdown and degeneration. MMPs are responsible for the turnover and breakdown of matrix proteins, including collagen, gelatin, elastin and fibronectin. If your connective tissue breaks down too quickly, you can suffer with pain and stiffness, and you will age more rapidly.

Excessively high levels of matrix metalloproteinases also raise the risk of the following conditions:

  • rheumatoid arthritis
  • osteoarthritis
  • atherosclerotic plaque rupture
  • aortic aneurysms
  • periodontitis
  • autoimmune blistering disorders of the skin
  • age spots
  • tumor invasion
  • tumor metastasis

When it comes to cancer, MMPs make it easier for cancerous cells to break down connective tissue, to squeeze themselves into organs and invade them. The enzymes also make it easier for cancer to form new blood vessels, allowing new tumors to establish themselves in other parts of the body.

Reversing a fatty liver is certainly much easier than curing cancer. If you’ve been diagnosed with a fatty liver, please act now to save your health.

Here are my recommendations

Consume less carbohydrate

Poor diet is the leading cause of fatty liver disease.  The biggest offenders are sugar and foods made of white flour; they need to be avoided completely.  However, a high intake of carbohydrate rich foods in general can promote fatty liver, as the liver converts excess carbohydrate into fat.  Foods that need to be restricted include bread, pasta, rice, breakfast cereals, potatoes and any food made of flour.  See the book Fatty Liver: You Can Reverse It or Diabetes Type 2 - You can Reverse it Naturally for a low carbohydrate eating plan.

Cut down on alcohol or avoid it completely

Excess alcohol consumption is the second biggest cause of fatty liver.  Alcohol can cause inflammation and damage to liver cells, resulting in fatty infiltration.  People with a fatty liver should limit alcohol consumption to one drink per day, with at least two alcohol free days per week. A lot of people find it easier to have none at all rather than trying to moderate their consumption.

Focus on vegetables, protein and the right fats

Raw vegetables are the most powerful liver healing foods. These raw foods help to cleanse and repair the liver filter, so that it can trap and remove more fat and toxins from the bloodstream. Eat an abundance of vegetables (cooked and raw salads).  Protein is important because it helps to keep the blood sugar level stable, helps with weight loss from the abdomen and reduces hunger and cravings.  Protein should be consumed with each meal.  Good sources of protein include eggs, poultry, seafood, meat, nuts, seeds, whey protein powder and dairy products. Most vegetable oil and margarines can worsen a fatty liver.  Healthy fats to include more of in your diet are found in olive oil, oily fish, coconut oil, raw nuts and seeds, and the fat on pastured ruminant meat.

Raw vegetable juices can give you faster results

Raw juices are an excellent source of highly concentrated vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.  Your juice should be comprised of 80 to 100 percent vegetables, with the remainder comprised of fruit.  Do not drink fruit juice; it is too high in carbohydrate and calories.  My book Raw Juices can Save your Life contains numerous raw juice recipes.

Take a comprehensive liver tonic

Choose a liver tonic that combines the clinically proven dose of St Mary’s thistle with B group vitamins, antioxidants and sulfur rich amino acids.  A good liver tonic can promote repair of damaged liver cells and facilitate the fat burning and detoxification abilities of the liver. Livatone Plus contains all of those ingredients and is available in powder or capsule form.

Increase glutathione production

Glutathione is your liver’s most powerful detoxifier and it is strongly anti-inflammatory. If you have a fatty liver you need more of it. N-acetyl cysteine is a precursor of glutathione and is known to raise blood levels powerfully. Eating sulfur rich foods also helps with glutathione; examples include eggs, cabbage, broccoli and garlic.

There is more life saving information in the book Cancer Survival Strategies.







The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.