Do you struggle with your weight? Do you know if you have a fatty liver? You should probably find out. Fatty liver has reached epidemic proportions in most parts of the world. If there is too much fat inside your liver, there is very little chance you’ll be able to burn off excess body fat. Your liver and thyroid are the main metabolic organs in your body. Having a fatty liver can grind your metabolic rate to a halt. Fixing the fatty liver must become your priority.

If you carry excess abdominal weight, you probably have a fatty liver; your doctor just hasn’t diagnosed it yet. One of the main jobs of the liver is to burn off excess body fat and get rid of it through the gallbladder and out in bowel motions.  Unfortunately a fatty liver cannot achieve this task very well.  A fatty liver is doing the opposite of what it should be – it is accumulating fat.  Luckily there are several ways to overcome this obstacle and achieve weight loss.

People with a fatty liver almost always have insulin resistance, and this causes an extremely slow metabolic rate. They may also have a sluggish thyroid because production of active thyroid hormone occurs in the liver.

How to become a better fat burner:

  • Go easy on sugar, carbohydrate and most vegetable oils in your diet.  These foods are what creates a fatty liver in the first place.  Most people with a fatty liver got one because they ate more carbohydrate than their liver could process.  Carbohydrate rich foods include sugar, flour, bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, breakfast cereals, cookies, granola and grains.  The liver is very proficient at converting these foods into fat.  The other food that promotes the formation of a fatty liver is omega 6 rich vegetable oil.  Fried foods and packaged foods like crisps, chips, crackers and cookies are usually full of the wrong fats. Avoid foods that contain the following oils: canola (rapeseed), cottonseed, soybean, corn, sunflower, safflower, grapeseed, sesame and peanut oil. Olive oil and coconut oil are healthy fats. Animal fats are also healthy.
  • Fill your diet with vegetables, protein and healthy fats.  These foods will keep you feeling full and will keep your blood sugar level stable throughout the day.  This is very important in order to prevent hypoglycemia, sugar cravings, foggy head and fatigue.  Many people trying to lose weight actually don’t eat enough protein and fat, particularly women.  They are in such a rush to lose weight and want to reach their goal tomorrow, that they eat too little food.  This is dangerous territory because you will be at far greater risk of binging on all the wrong foods once you get tired and hungry enough.  When eating protein rich foods like fish, poultry or red meat, please eat a palm and a half sized portion.  Whey protein powder is an excellent source of protein that's highly satiating. It will help to keep you feeling full for many hours and reduces the risk of sugar cravings. Please include good fats in your diet like olive oil, avocados, nuts, seeds and oily fish such as salmon.  People who don’t eat enough protein and fat usually crave sugar and carbohydrate.  There is an easy to follow eating plan in my book Fatty Liver: You Can Reverse It.
  • A good quality liver tonic can repair damaged liver cells.  Diet changes will work on their own eventually, but you should reach your goal weight sooner, and feel more energetic sooner if you take a good quality liver tonic.  Livatone Plus contains the nutrients your liver needs in order to burn fat efficiently and detoxify your bloodstream.
  • Find out if you have insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes.  Type 2 diabetes is a rapidly growing disease and approximately half of the people who have it don’t realise because they haven’t been diagnosed yet.  See your doctor and ask for a fasting blood glucose test to check if you have diabetes. Insulin resistance is even more common.  If you have a large waist, then you have some degree of insulin resistance.  If you have a more advanced case of  insulin resistance, you have high blood pressure, high blood triglycerides, low good cholesterol (HDL) and high bad cholesterol (LDL).  Type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance make weight loss even more difficult because of the elevated blood insulin which is a feature of these conditions.  The herbs and nutrients in Glicemic Balance capsules help to lower insulin, thereby making weight loss easier.
  • Eat plenty of raw vegetables.  No matter where you live it is important to eat raw food such as salad every day.  Try to eat as many different colored vegetables as possible because the pigments in vegetables are antioxidants and they each have unique benefits.  Your liver and bowels need the nutrients in raw vegetables to function at their optimum. It is well worth adding raw juices to your diet - check out my Raw Juices Can Save Your Life book for recipe ideas.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.