People who are gluten intolerant are highly likely to have other food sensitivities. It’s usually not very welcome news, since gluten intolerance already means having to follow a restricted diet. The important thing to remember is gluten can cause irritation and inflammation to the lining of the intestines in people with a sensitivity to it. In effect it makes the gut lining more permeable (leaky). This can set the stage for the development of new food allergies or sensitivities because incompletely digested food molecules can get absorbed into the blood through the leaky gut. This starts off an immune response and future food sensitivity.Liver-Doctor-Food-Allergy-Graph Research published in the journal Food and Nutrition Sciences found that “If a subgroup of patients on a gluten free diet does not show improvement in their symptoms, attention should be given to dairy and other cross-reactive foods, such as yeast, corn, oats, millet and rice, as shown in the present study”. That means if you are not feeling good enough on a gluten free diet, you may want to do a one month trial elimination of the above foods.