A study reported in the European Heart Journal 2016; online 3 March showed that ‘broken heart syndrome” can be caused by extreme joyful emotions as well as stressful negative emotions. These strong emotions work adversely on the function of the heart via the autonomic nervous system (parasympathetic and sympathetic nerves) to disturb the electrical and muscular function of the left ventricle which is the largest pumping chamber of the heart. Specifically, this heart disorder is called “Takotsubo Syndrome” and causes ballooning of the left ventricle and can present as a “heart attack” with chest pain and shortness of breath. Takotsubo Syndrome is much more common in post-menopausal women so perhaps a lack of estrogen predisposes to it? So, my advice is to take a regular supplement of magnesium, as it helps to maintain healthy nervous and muscle function in the heart. Also learn to control excessively strong emotions with exercise, keeping fit and meditation to still the mind.