Binge eating disorder occurs when a person eats large amounts of food in a short period of time and experiences a loss of control while eating. Most people overeat every so often, however, binge eating disorder is characterised by continuing to eat even when feeling uncomfortably full, and doing it regularly. It is often done alone and in secret, and the person experiences shame and guilt. Bingeing is more likely to happen during times of stress, anxiety, anger or boredom, and is used as a way of coping with life’s difficulties.

If this is a problem for you, please see your doctor who can refer you to individuals and services that can help you. Please don’t try to solve this condition on your own. The following tips may help to make it easier to moderate your food intake:

1. Quit Dieting

Restrictive, low calorie and low fat diets tend to cause episodes of binge eating. Instead, focus on making small healthy changes at a time to increase success in the long-term. Eat more whole foods like fresh vegetables and fruits, protein sources and quality fats which will promote satiety and support better health overall.

2. Don’t skip meals

Regularly skipping meals can cause cravings and increase your risk of overeating later on, especially the wrong types of foods. Setting a regular eating schedule that you can stick to, is one of the most effective weight loss tools. Having 2 or 3 proper meals each day can help prevent binge eating.

3. Eat more protein, and have some at each meal

Protein is excellent for reducing cravings and promoting satiety. Good protein sources include poultry, meat, seafood, eggs and some dairy products. Try to include at least one good source of protein in each meal, and keep high-protein snacks on hand for when those pesky cravings hit. Having a good quality protein powder such as Synd X powder or Superfood Powder is very helpful to have between meals to curb your appetite. The Dr Cabot 15 Day Cleanse meal plan ensures you are receiving adequate protein at each meal, and provides nutrient-rich superfoods, to keep you feeling satisfied and energetic.

4. Be mindful

Mindfulness involves paying attention to your body and how you feel in the present moment. It is an excellent technique for preventing overeating as you tend to eat slower and really focus on your chewing which allows more time for your satiety signals to reach your brain and establish you are full. Mindfulness is also great for relaxation and establishing a positive relationship with food.

5. Consume more fiber

Fiber is present in foods such as vegetables, fruits, legumes, nuts and whole grains. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber attracts water to form a gel-like substance, while insoluble fiber adds bulk to the stool allowing it to travel more easily through the digestive tract. Fibertone is an excellent source of dietary fiber, combining psyllium husk with herbs and amino acids which acts as a safe, non-habit forming, gentle laxative.

6. Drink more water

Increasing water intake has got to be one of the most simple and effective ways of boosting overall health. Adequate water intake ensures hydration of all cells to carry out important functions, increases metabolism, aids digestion, improves skin and eye health and increases weight loss. Often people mistake being thirsty with being hungry, thus increasing water intake often curbs cravings and prevents binge eating.

7. Have a healthy gut

You are probably aware of the powerful relationship between your gut and brain. The majority of the neurotransmitters in your body are made in your gut, and nerves that travel between your gut and brain affect your mood, appetite and sleep quality. Food intolerance, leaky gut, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth and dysbiosis can all negatively affect your frame of mind. Taking Digestive Enzymes with meals helps reduce symptoms of indigestion like bloating, gas and discomfort. If there is an overgrowth of harmful bugs in the gut, the antimicrobial herbs in Bactoclear capsules help to kill them.

8. Sort your kitchen

Just like the expression ‘Out of sight, out of mind’, having plenty of junk food in the kitchen is a sure-fire way to fall off the wagon when cravings hit. On the other hand, stocking your kitchen with healthy options can reduce your risk of emotional eating by having limited unhealthy options. A tidy house can also help to encourage a calm mind and healthy food choices.

9. Try to get enough sleep

Many people often underestimate the importance of sleep, which is essential for restoration and vitality, a healthy immune system, energy levels, and even weight loss. Not getting enough sleep increases levels of the hormone ghrelin, the hunger hormone and decreases levels of leptin, the satiety hormone, which often leads to higher food consumption and consequent weight gain. It is recommended to get between 7 and 8 hours of sleep a night. Magnesium is a powerful mineral that reduces sleeplessness and promotes restful sleep.

10. Plan ahead

Meal prepping or simply being organised drastically minimises the chances of overindulging in junk foods. It also helps to improve the quality of your diet, and the quantity of what you are eating as you can portion up your meals into containers for the week ahead. Sunday is a convenient day for meal prep as most people don’t work which allows ample time to chop up veggies for juices or salads, bulk cook a protein source such as chicken, or even whip up some bliss balls for healthy snacks.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.