Drinking just one 16 ounce energy drink raises blood pressure and stress hormone levels in young, healthy adults enough to trigger a cardiovascular event.

This is according to a study presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions in 2015. Scientists studied 25 healthy young adults without any known cardiovascular disease risk factors. Each participant drank one 16 ounce can of an energy drink. Researchers measured each individual’s blood pressure and blood level of adrenalin before and 30 minutes after they consumed the drink. Adrenalin is normally produced when you are stressed and it increases blood pressure and your heart's ability to contract.

Each participant experienced a rise in blood pressure after the energy drink, and interestingly their adrenalin level rose by almost 74 percent. The researchers concluded the study by stating that these changes could predispose otherwise healthy, young adults to an increased cardiovascular risk.

Energy drinks are varying combinations of sugar and caffeine. They usually do increase a person’s energy level for a little while, but at what cost? Unfortunately, most young people don’t think they’re at risk of having a heart attack, hence they’d be unaware of this risk, or wouldn’t take a warning seriously. Heart attacks are happening in younger and younger people. It’s not uncommon for slim and fit men in their 30s to have one.

If you are experiencing a lack of energy, perhaps your body is telling you you need more rest. If that doesn’t fix the problem, please see your doctor. It is so much safer to address an underlying medical condition that could be making you tired, rather than risking the health of your heart with energy drinks.

I have formulated Selenomune Designer Energy capsules to contain the nutrients your body needs for energy production, thyroid function and a strong immune system.
