Everyone in life has stress and some days it seems that everything that can go wrong will go wrong, and then there is more stress. At this time of year, your stress levels may reach a peak. A shortage of time and money, coupled with the strain of family or relationship problems may leave you feeling overwhelmed and anxious. Stress can make us angry, frustrated or depressed depending upon our personality. Stress is something we need to get under control but many people put it off. Believe me it’s not worth it because it can lead to many health problems and unhealthy habits. How many of us use too much alcohol to relax when we know it’s not good for our liver? If we drink too much it only brings temporary relief and the next day we feel irritable or depressed. A similar scenario can occur with food. Many people use eating as a relaxation technique. This may leave you feeling even more anxious or depressed the next day. It is important to remember that the stress will pass but its deleterious effects upon our health will accumulate over time. In order to achieve truly good health, effective stress management is critical. Here are a few tips for handling stress-
  • Sit down in a quiet place and concentrate on your breathing – when thoughts come, let them go and concentrate on your breath, taking deep slow breaths.
  • Go for a walk and get some sunshine, as this will increase your body’s production of vitamin D, which is good for your immune system.
  • Get a diary or note pad out and write down your thoughts. If you are feeling upset, this can help to give you some clarity and may help to calm you down. It is also an effective way of reducing the urge to drink, smoke or eat in response to stress.
  • Think logically – will the thing that is stressing you out be important in 5 years time or at the end of your life? It will pass, so look to the end and focus on your long term goal. If you have your health you can recover from most setbacks.
  • Make yourself a “smoothie” and add some Glutamine powder to the “smoothie”.  You can use any unsweetened milk, including coconut milk. Glutamine Plus contains a large dose of the amino acid glutamine combined with colostrum. Glutamine is an amino acid that is good for the brain and increases mental energy. Glutamine is also able to repair the effects of chronic stress upon our gut. If you have gastritis or an inflamed colon, glutamine can work wonders to settle down a churning stomach and bowels. Glutamine can repair a leaky gut and support liver function. Colostrum contains a variety of immunoglobulins, which strengthen the immune system. The effects of chronic stress upon our immune system can increase our risk of cancer.
  • Take a magnesium supplement as magnesium relaxes the nervous system and the muscles. Magnesium helps to quieten your mind in the evening and helps you to fall asleep.
  • If you feel wound up with stress, suck on an Everyday stress lozenge containing the herb passionflower. This herb works to relax you without the side effects of sedative drugs or antidepressants. Passionflower has mild sedative and pain relieving effects. That means it can help those people who find it difficult to sleep because of chronic pain.
The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.