Selenium is a very important mineral that many people aren’t getting enough of in their diet. Did you know it can help protect the prostate gland? A study of more than 50,000 male health professionals in the U.S. found a significant inverse relationship between toenail selenium content and the risk of prostate cancer. This study looked at 181 men diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer and 181 healthy men.

Men with a toenail selenium content that correlates with a dietary intake of approximately 159 mcg per day had a 65 percent lower risk of advanced prostate cancer, compared to men with an intake of 86 mcg per day. Blood tests are not a reliable way to measure whether a person is getting enough selenium and toenail tests are not available to the general public. This means many men aren’t aware they are deficient in this critical mineral.

Selenium helps to protect the DNA inside our cells from harm. It is also necessary for the production of glutathione peroxidase, which acts to detoxify your body from harmful chemicals. The protein called n-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is the building block the body uses, along with selenium to make glutathione.

Selenium is actually not found in high enough quantities in many foods at all. Liver, kidney, Brazil nuts and seafood contain some selenium. Most of those items are certainly not commonly eaten foods. Also, the selenium in the food is determined by how much selenium was in the soil or the animal’s diet. In many parts of the world selenium levels are far too low. People suffering with infections, thyroid problems or autoimmune disease have a greater requirement for selenium, and can often become deficient very quickly.

To ensure that you are getting a good dose of selenium, it may be beneficial for you to supplement with a good quality selenium formula, such as Selenomune. This formulation contains three different forms of selenium, that have unique properties and health benefits. All three forms have been combined into Selenomune capsules to ensure you receive the best health benefit. Additional vitamins and minerals have been strategically added in to further support the health benefits of selenium in the body.


The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.