Is your immune system weak? Are you prone to catching infections? Does your body take longer to recover? Do you suffer from a sluggish thyroid? Selenium could be the answer to your problems! This wonderful antioxidant and essential trace mineral has been well researched for its many amazing health benefits. Selenium plays a critical role in the formation of enzymes called selenoproteins, which are vital for DNA synthesis, thyroid hormone production, supporting the immune system and protecting the body from oxidative stress.

What are the benefits of selenium?

  • Immune strength: Selenium acts as a defending army against viruses, helping to slow down their replication. This anti-viral effect of selenium makes it useful in cases of cold sores, hepatitis, HIV, warts, and helping to fight against COVID-19 (coronavirus), the common cold or flu. Selenium also helps to balance the immune system and reduce pro-inflammatory antibodies in those with autoimmune disorders, such as psoriasis, celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis and lupus.
  • Anti-aging: Selenoproteins defend the body against damage caused by free radicals. Imagine a shower of asteroids hitting earth and causing destruction. Free radicals do this to the body- they damage our cells, cause inflammation and contribute to the signs of aging. Selenium acts as a big shield against these free radicals and helps to keep us looking young and feeling youthful.
  • Cell protection: Our bodies are made up of DNA strands which code for every bodily function. Think of our bodies like computers, requiring computer chips that are coded with information - if one code isn’t working, it leads to a whole range of functional problems. Selenium helps to protect the DNA strands from damage, to protect our overall health. DNA damage can increase the risk of cell mutation or neurological disorders.
  • Reducing inflammation: Inflammation is often the underlying root of many health complaints, including headaches, arthritis, asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, sinusitis and so forth. Chronic inflammation also increases the risk of high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease and stroke. Selenium helps to reduce systemic inflammation by neutralising free radicals and regulating the production of inflammatory chemicals in the body.
  • Thyroid health: Selenium is the middle man that converts thyroid hormone T4 into the most active form T3, for utilisation by the body. Without selenium, the body can find it very difficult to convert these hormones, and as a result the thyroid may become underactive, and metabolism may slow down.
  • Detoxification: Selenium is required for the production of glutathione - the most powerful antioxidant in the body. The liver uses glutathione for its detoxification pathways. These pathways help to rid the body of toxins, waste products, excess hormones and cholesterol.

Which foods contain selenium?

It’s actually not found in high enough quantities in many foods at all. Liver, kidney, Brazil nuts and seafood contain some selenium. Most of those items are certainly not commonly eaten foods. Also, the selenium in the food is determined by how much selenium was in the soil or the animal’s diet. In many parts of the world selenium levels are far too low. People suffering with a viral infection have a greater requirement for selenium, and can often become deficient very quickly.

To ensure that you are getting a good dose of selenium, it may be beneficial for you to supplement with a good quality selenium formula, such as my Selenomune. There are three different forms of selenium, that have unique properties and health benefits. All three forms have been combined into Selenomune capsules to ensure you receive the best health benefit. Additional vitamins and minerals have been strategically added in to further support the health benefits of selenium in the body.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.