Did you know that having diabetes can make it more difficult to get deep, refreshing sleep? There are some sleep challenges common in people with diabetes. Knowing how to overcome them can help you feel more rested and energetic during the day.

Type 2 diabetes is at epidemic proportions, but a lot of people don’t know they have it. Sometimes sleeping problems are what prompts an undiagnosed diabetic to visit their doctor in the first place. A blood test for glucose then leads to a diagnosis of diabetes.

The following sleep challenges are common in diabetics:

Sleep apnea

This is one of the most prevalent problems in type 2 diabetics. It’s more common in people who are overweight, especially those who carry weight on the upper part of their body and neck area. Sleep apnea is an extremely common cause of waking up feeling unrefreshed, and being tired all day. It is quite a common cause of motor vehicle accidents as people may fall asleep at the wheel. Having sleep apnea is a very common cause of abnormally low testosterone levels in men.

When adipose tissue (fat) encroaches the upper respiratory tract and throat, it impedes the flow of air, particularly when a person is laying down. Sleep apnea is also more common in people who drink alcohol (particularly in the evening) and people with a blocked nose or sinuses. Sleep apnea significantly raises the risk of high blood pressure and dementia. If you are overweight and suffering with significant fatigue, please ask your doctor for a sleep study test.

Weight loss can eliminate sleep apnea entirely. Limiting alcohol is also very effective. Foods that increase mucus congestion such as dairy products, wheat and sugar should be eliminated to facilitate easier breathing.

Restless legs syndrome

This is a condition that can occur for a number of reasons, but it tends to be more common in diabetics. Restless legs syndrome means twitching, throbbing, cramping, jerking type sensations in the legs at night, waking the sufferer or preventing them from being able to get to sleep in the first place. There may also be cramping and a general sensation of restlessness or tightness in the legs. These unpleasant feelings may be reduced or temporarily eliminated by shaking or stretching the legs or getting up and walking. Restless legs syndrome can vary in severity. For some people it’s a massive cause of sleep deprivation and consequent depression.

Magnesium is extremely helpful for calming the legs down, and diabetics tend to be deficient because they often lose more in their urine. Magnesium helps improve sleep quality in everybody because it relaxes the nerves and muscles of the body. Sometimes being low in iron can trigger restless legs syndrome; this can be determined through a blood test. Impaired kidney function can be to blame, due to excessive loss of electrolytes. Inflammation of the intestines can also be a cause, and this explains why restless legs syndrome is more common in those with celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.

A drop in blood sugar

This is known as hypoglycaemia. If it occurs throughout the night, it can cause significant sleep disruption. If your brain senses that your blood sugar is too low, your body releases the stress hormone adrenalin in order to rouse you from your sleep. Common symptoms of low blood sugar are feeling sweaty, hungry, dizzy and light-headed.

Some people get up and have something to eat, while others feel too tired, and stay in bed and end up waking again later. The significant sleep disruption can make you feel tired and groggy in the mornings and predisposes you to fluctuating blood sugar throughout the day. This can then lead to sugar cravings, which just creates a vicious cycle.

Many diabetics feel best if they eat a snack before bed. The trick is to make sure the snack is small and doesn’t contain too much carbohydrate. Suitable examples include a boiled egg and half an apple; a handful of walnuts or almonds; or a celery stick with almond butter. Glicemic Balance capsules contain herbs and nutrients that help to stabilize blood sugar.

An elevation of blood sugar

Sometimes high blood sugar causes problems. Elevated blood sugar over a period of time can cause damage to the nerves. Nerve damage in the feet and legs can cause sensations such as burning, tingling or pain. Nerves that affect the digestive system, bladder and cardiovascular system can also be affected. This can cause symptoms such as frequent need to empty the bladder at night, or waking up feeling hot and sweaty. Many type 2 diabetics have got a fatty liver. People with a fatty liver tend to over heat at night. A lot of women blame menopause, when really their liver is responsible.

Berberine is a powerful, natural plant extract that helps to lower elevated blood sugar. Some research has shown it to be as effective as prescription tablets for diabetes. The liver tonic Livatone Plus helps to improve liver health and can even help reverse a fatty liver.

It’s important to get adequate quality sleep because lack of sleep usually worsens blood sugar control. For more information on managing or reversing type 2 diabetes, see our book Diabetes Type 2: You Can Reverse It Naturally.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.