New research has shown that the natural substance NAC (n-acetyl cysteine) can help. Research has shown it may help individuals with addiction to nicotine, cocaine and even gambling! NAC is a type of protein and the body uses it as a building block to produce the powerful detoxifier called glutathione. Glutathione is considered to be the most powerful antioxidant in the body and helps to reduce the damaging effects of oxidative stress. A review published last year in the journal Innovations in Clinical Neuroscience explored the therapeutic benefits of using NAC in the treatment of psychiatric disorders and behavioural problems. Researchers have made some startling discoveries. Compulsive behaviors that generate a feeling of reward are governed by a protein in the brain called glutamate. Malfunctions in the brain’s metabolism of glutamate have been linked with addictive behaviour. Some studies have shown that supplementing with NAC can help to restore normal glutamate metabolism. A study published in the journal Biological Psychiatry examined the effects of 2400 mg of NAC per day on smokers. The participants taking NAC had a reduced desire to smoke cigarettes. A small study of 23 individuals who were addicted to cocaine found that among those taking NAC for 4 weeks, 70 percent stopped using cocaine or significantly reduced their intake. Another study published in the journal Biological Psychiatry researched 27 people with a gambling addiction. 16 of the participants were able to significantly reduce their gambling behavior. These are small studies but the interest in the role of NAC in behavioral and psychological disorders is growing. It is comforting to know there are natural substances that can help you overcome addictions, and it’s not simply a matter of relying on willpower or psychotherapy. References: