Restless legs syndrome is a very common condition that can seriously disrupt a person’s sleep. Long term insufficient sleep and poor quality sleep has a terrible effect on a person’s mood, motivation and general outlook on life. It also weakens the immune system, leaving an individual at risk of contracting infections.

Restless legs syndrome is twice as common in women as men and is more prevalent as people get older. Some women develop the condition in the last trimester of pregnancy. Restless legs syndrome means twitching, throbbing, jerking type sensations in the legs at night, waking the sufferer or preventing them from being able to get to sleep in the first place. There may also be cramping and a general sensation of restlessness or tightness in the legs. The individual can’t get their legs comfortable, and that can prevent them from falling asleep.

The unpleasant sensations may be reduced by shaking or stretching the legs or getting up and walking around the house at night. The condition is a major cause of insomnia and daytime fatigue.

Magnesium should be the first nutrient you consider

Magnesium deficiency is the most common cause of restless legs syndrome and supplementing with this nutrient is the easiest way to treat the condition. It is very easy to be magnesium deficient and really quite hard to get enough magnesium through diet alone. Stress, caffeine, sugar and alcohol all deplete your body of magnesium. Green vegetables are a good source of magnesium provided they were grown in mineral rich soil, but may be difficult to absorb, and anyone with poor digestion doesn’t stand much chance. The most effective dose of magnesium for eliminating restless legs is between 400mg and 600mg per day. This is easily achieved with one to one and a half teaspoons daily of magnesium ultrapotent powder. This ultrapotent powder has several different types of magnesium for enhanced absorption. Magnesium should also help improve your sleep by calming and relaxing your nervous system and muscles. It will give your body the rest it needs.

Being low in vitamin D can cause restless legs

Being low in vitamin D raises the risk and it is something your doctor may not have considered. One cause of restless legs syndrome is impaired dopamine signalling. This is why the conventional treatment is with dopamine agonists (drugs that bind to and activate dopamine receptors). Unfortunately, these drugs can become less effective in time, and can even cause a worsening of symptoms. Research has shown that vitamin D increases levels of dopamine and its metabolites in the brain, and protects dopamine-associated neurons from toxins. A study titled The effect of vitamin D supplements on the severity of restless legs syndrome was published in the medical journal Sleep & Breathing. The study recruited 12 adults with primary restless legs syndrome and vitamin D deficiency. All of the study participants initially had a blood vitamin D level less than 20ng/mL. The average blood level was 9ng/mL. They were given vitamin D supplementation to bring their blood level above 20ng/mL.

The researchers concluded the study with the following statement: “This study indicates that vitamin D supplementation improves the severity of RLS symptoms and advocates that vitamin D deficiency is conceivably associated with RLS”.
The majority of my patients are vitamin D deficient when I give them a blood test. It’s not difficult to be deficient; unless you are an outdoor worker or on holiday, you probably spend the majority of your time indoors. We need midday sun exposure in order to manufacture vitamin D in our skin, because midday sun contains UVB rays. If you have never had a vitamin D blood test, please ask your doctor. Along with sensible sun exposure, a vitamin D supplement is usually required. Magnesium is required for vitamin D activation in the body. If you have been getting sufficient vitamin D but not feeling the benefits, it may be because you’re low in magnesium.

Have a blood test for iron

Iron deficiency can be responsible for restless legs syndrome. This is particularly the case in women of menstruating age. You need to have a blood test for your ferritin level. This measures the amount of iron you have stored inside your liver. The amount of haemoglobin in your bloodstream could be fine, but if your ferritin is low, you need more iron. Red meat and liver are the richest sources of iron, but it is also found in seafood, poultry and eggs. The iron in plant foods such as spinach and lentils is difficult for the body to absorb and will not correct an iron deficiency.


The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.