Liver & Gallbladder Health

  • Articles Essential Reading Fatty Liver Liver & Gallbladder Health Weight Loss

    How to lose weight with a fatty liver

    Losing weight is a slow and difficult process for most people.  However, for individuals with a fatty liver it is...

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  • Articles Liver & Gallbladder Health

    How healthy is your liver filter?

    Your liver is the cleanser and filter of your bloodstream. All the chemicals you are exposed to, as well as...

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  • Articles Liver & Gallbladder Health

    What can you do to protect your liver?

    Protecting Your Liver – what you must know According to the ancient medical philosophy of Chinese doctors your liver is...

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  • Articles Liver & Gallbladder Health

    Hepatitis C Breakthrough

    The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) estimates that more than 3 million Americans have hepatitis C and many don’t know...

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  • Liver & Gallbladder Health

    More people than ever are dying from liver disease

    Figures from the UK have revealed a 40 percent rise in deaths in the past 12 years. Statistics are very...

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  • Articles Liver & Gallbladder Health

    6 Best Foods For Your Liver

    Your liver is the largest internal organ in your body.  Your body relies on your liver to perform many vital...

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  • Articles Liver & Gallbladder Health

    5 surprising facts you may not know about your liver

    The human liver is a fascinating organ. I’m sure you know your liver metabolizes alcohol. You are also probably aware of serious liver diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis. You may know that your liver helps you digest oily foods. Certainly if you’ve experienced a dull ache on the right side of your abdomen, behind your lower ribs after a rich meal, then you have felt your liver. There are plenty of interesting and fun facts about your liver you probably aren’t aware of. Learning about the functions of the liver may motivate you to take better care of this critically important organ. It is really not possible to achieve good health if your liver is suffering. One of the most common consequences of a poorly functioning liver is fatigue. This makes sense because the liver is the largest internal organ and the most metabolically active one. Your liver performs more than 500 functions each day. Don’t you think it deserves more credit? If you want a long and healthy life you really must love your liver. Here are some fascinating facts about this organ.

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  • Articles Liver & Gallbladder Health Digestive Health General Health

    What Really Causes Diverticulitis?

    Diverticulitis is incredibly common, yet the most common dietary advice given to patients may be incorrect. Diverticula are small pouches that bulge outward through the large intestine (colon). If you have these pouches, you have diverticulosis. Diverticulosis becomes increasingly common as people age. It is estimated that half of all people over age 60 have it. Most people with diverticulosis don't have any symptoms. Occasionally they may experience mild cramps, bloating or constipation. Diverticulosis is often discovered while a person is undergoing tests for something else. Many people first discover they have diverticula pockets in their bowel while they are undergoing a colonoscopy screening for colon cancer. If the pouches become inflamed or infected, this is referred to as diverticulitis. Abdominal pain is the most common symptom, and it’s usually on the left size. Depending on the severity, some people also experience fever, nausea, vomiting and constipation. In very severe cases, diverticulitis can cause tears in the bowel that bleed, or blockages in the bowel. Conventional treatment usually consists of antibiotics, pain relievers, and a temporary liquid diet. Occasionally surgery is deemed necessary. What causes diverticulitis? What foods should be avoided?

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  • Articles Liver & Gallbladder Health

    Cholesterol and the liver

    What does the liver have to do with cholesterol? Are you concerned about your cholesterol level? Have you tried unsuccessfully to lower it by watching your diet? Did you know that the vast majority of the cholesterol in your body was made by your liver? On the whole, cholesterol is a beneficial substance in your body. It is so essential in fact that every cell of your body requires it. Having too much cholesterol in your bloodstream can be problematic though; particularly if you have other risk factors for cardiovascular disease, such as high blood pressure and abdominal obesity. If you want to achieve a healthy cholesterol level, it is vital to improve the health of your liver. The types of fats that are found in your bloodstream include-

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  • Articles Liver & Gallbladder Health General Health

    Do you struggle with addictive, impulsive or compulsive behavior?

    Do you struggle with addictive, impulsive or compulsive behavior? New research has shown that the natural substance NAC (n-acetyl cysteine) can help. Research has shown it may help individuals with addiction to nicotine, cocaine and even gambling! NAC is a type of protein and the body uses it as a building block to produce the powerful detoxifier called glutathione. Glutathione is considered to be the most powerful antioxidant in the body and helps to reduce the damaging effects of oxidative stress.

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