Your father’s diet before you were conceived plays an enormous role in your health today. It affects how healthy you are, which health problems you are at risk of developing and even shapes your food preferences. If your dad had strong cravings for cookies or pretzels, you’re more likely to crave those foods too. A great deal of emphasis is placed on a woman’s diet before she becomes pregnant, while not enough focus is put on the man.

A man’s sperm makes up half the DNA that goes towards building a brand new human being. Healthy sperm passes on good, strong genes. Sperm cells are exquisitely sensitive to the effects of environmental chemicals and dietary toxins.  Sperm take between 74 and 78 days to form and men are continually producing new sperm.  In fact a young and healthy man produces more than four million sperm per hour in each testicle.  Because sperm cells are growing and dividing so rapidly, they are very sensitive to harm caused by toxins.

Environmental chemicals are definitely a problem and it is wise to limit your exposure to them as much as possible. However, nutrient deficiencies are a big issue as well. Sperm cells need particular nutrients in order to develop and function correctly. Selenium and zinc are particularly important. Selenium protects the DNA inside cells from damage; therefore it protects the DNA inside sperm from fragmentation.  Research has shown that selenium improves the health of Leydig cells inside testes, which are the cells that manufacture testosterone.  This has the beneficial effect of improving sperm quality, and ensuring a man maintains healthy levels of testosterone.   Selenium also helps to reduce the risk of miscarriage.  An optimal level of selenium supplementation is 200 micrograms per day.

Other research has shown that a man’s folate level is just as important as a woman’s when it comes to the development of the spinal cord and nervous system of a baby.

Traditionally, all of the preconception nutrition focus has been on a woman, but now doctors are starting to realize the critical importance of the father’s diet on the future health of the offspring. This is hardly surprising when you consider that half of the DNA a baby inherits comes from a father. Folate is found in green leafy vegetables. A lot of men won’t eat enough vegetables, and deficiency is common. I recommend raw vegetable juices as a concentrated source of folate, along with other antioxidants to protect the DNA inside sperm.

Sugar and carbohydrate cravings can also be inherited. The type of food you like to eat is influenced by what your parents like to eat. Part of this is lifestyle habits; young children watch their parents and largely copy their habits. Men who eat too much sugar are at risk of suffering with abnormally low testosterone levels. This can adversely affect libido, mood, motivation and energy level. It can also make a man more prone to gaining weight on his torso. That is a health risk in general, but it also compromises a man’s fertility. Approximately half of infertility cases are currently due to male factors. Glicemic Balance capsules are excellent for reducing sugar cravings because they balance blood sugar levels, helping to prevent blood sugar crashes that lead to uncontrollable cravings.

For more information on optimising fertility see the book Infertility: The Hidden Causes.

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.
