Omega 3 fats found in fish oil and some algae can help with nerve damage caused by diabetes. Approximately half of all diabetics experience neuropathy, which can be incredibly painful. There are very few effective treatments.

High blood sugar causes damage to nerves; therefore the most effective remedy is keeping blood sugar as close to normal as possible.

Recent research has shown that fish oil supplements can restore the condition of nerves damaged by diabetes in mice.

According to Mark Yorek of the VA Medical Center in Iowa City, "Diabetic neuropathy is a very costly and debilitating complication of diabetes. It is the leading cause of foot ulcers and non-trauma-related amputations, and the impact of diabetic neuropathy on the patient and family are unmeasurable. Fish oil is an attractive treatment approach because supplements are considered very safe and could be easily translated into everyday care. Fish oil would be easy to take, like a vitamin, and should have few side effects when combined with other medications”.

Previous research on obesity and diabetes has shown better blood sugar control and liver function, and reduced inflammation in people given omega 3 fatty acids. Omega 3 fats can be taken in fish oil capsules or vegan capsules, where the oil is derived from algae.
