Dear Dr Cabot

I am troubled with migraine headaches that come the week before my menstrual bleeding is due. Once my bleeding starts the headache goes away. I have to take strong pain killers and I am worried about my kidneys and liver. My period is quite heavy and can be painful. I tried to take the oral contraceptive pill to see if this would help, but it made the headaches worse! Please help!

Dear Amy

You are experiencing menstrual migraines that may be due to the following causes –

  • Fluctuations in the levels of progesterone during the pre-menstrual week
  • Release of inflammatory chemicals from your uterus during the pre-menstrual week

To reduce these migraines I suggest the following –

  • Keep a menstrual calendar so that you know exactly when the headaches occur.
  • Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.
  • Start to drink raw vegetable juices, as these will help your liver function. The liver always has a lot to do with migraines, especially if they are associated with nausea.
  • Increase your intake of essential fatty acids in your diet from fish oil, oily fish, avocados, freshly ground flaxseeds, cold pressed olive oil, raw nuts and seeds.
  • Eat protein three times daily, as this will stabilize your blood sugar levels and provide plenty of amino acids to manufacture neuro-transmitters. Examples include seafood, poultry, eggs, red meat, whey protein powder or vegan protein.
  • Avoid excess amounts of foods/beverages high in sugar and caffeine.
  • Natural progesterone cream containing natural progesterone would really reduce the headaches.
  • If you feel nauseated with the headaches, improve your liver function with Livatone Plus.
  • Try to have a head and neck massage during the pre-menstrual week

The above statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease.